May 30, 2008 02:39
okay, so I was told during Sasquatch that I didn't like the trucks because I didn't, "have a vagina."
I'm so fucking tired of people telling me that I don't like music because of my gender, that it is driving me fucking crazy.
Here's the deal:
You can't tell me why I dislike a local band when you haven't listened to said local band. Sure, people aren't going to critique a certain article about women in the local scene when it's written by a woman, but you have no fucking idea what you're talking about! Seriously? You're going to let the authority provided to you by a "newspaper" dictate the entire authenticity behind an article? Okay.
You can't assume you know the logic a band was using when they were formed. Sure, they are female, but that doesn't mean that they have the same feminist perspective that you do. That's like saying 10KH has a song with a "latin beat" because of my ethnicity. Guess what, in the same way that you give a band credit for being super-feminist with absolutely no proof, I can take that credit away for them being completely ignorant. When you say that they are playing the "cutesy" card because that's the only way they can get big, I can say that they are big because they have no idea that they're playing that card. I'm not being misogynistic because I don't assume that they have the feminist's movement at heart. I'm being fucking realistic!
I'm not entirely sure why the "you're either with the feminist music movement or against" attitude became the norm, but I am not going to run around talking about the bands with female musicians that I like just to avoid persecution. Guess what? When I listen to music, I judge it by the MUSIC, not the politics that it holds behind it.
If this logic applied, I would be a racist, because I don't have every band I'm into with a minority in it memorized.
Music is Music. If you decide that the music that you're into is made by a certain type of person, then that is your business. But when you decide to project that onto someone who is just trying to figure out how catchy a beat is, you can't be super aggressive.
To be fair, If all I listened to were music about how "She broke my heart" then I would see the feminist objections,
but I don't care what gender the person playing drums is, it'll still make me bob my head.
Jesus fucking Christ.