really happy
music: bright eyes - hit the switch
Three minutes away from school, I got into a car accident. We had just turned onto the road that the 29 runs on when somebody slammed into the back of our car. I was in a majorly lazy reclining position, so I was the most shocked of us all. My father cursed and pulled over. We all got out to inspect the damage...and there wasn't any. The car was just a bit chipped. We were pretty lucky. The guy looked a bit sloppy to me, but then again, it was 7:50 in the morning. He was very apologetic. I thought the rest of the day was going to blow, but it was actually pretty nice:
1. IT WAS COLD!!!!
2. Mod 3s, Tuesdays and Thursdays especially, are hilarious. CJ and I were bickering over US History homework and making faces at each other. Connie was stuck inbetween. Rachel was ranting about how College & Career shouldn't actually be taking effort. We decided that she wanted to be a pet shop owner when she grows up.
3. Having US 4/5 is much better than taking Spanish in the morning. The people in my class are constantly talking. Shure put an outline on the projector, which reminded me of Sayle's eighth grade class but in a good way. We all agree that she treats us like a remedial class, though. I want to do some serious outlining already.
4. Lou wasn't here for some reason, so the sub let us sign in and leave. I spent 9/10 outside with Hilary, Ashley, Kyle, Felise, and Greg instead. Ashley and I moaned about the next season of The OC. In general, it was very nice and quiet.
5. I got an A on my Expo assignment! Yes, the one that I was complaining about. She said that I imitated E.B. White's style "perfectly." It felt soooooooo good.
6. Ms. Nickels went to Washington D.C. for Peace Corps business, so we had a substitute, and he fed us "Peanotz." I swear, that's what it said on the bag, with the "z" and everything. They were soy beans covered in salt or something. Instead of lounging around, like we usually do, we brainstormed theme ideas. We have to come up with deadlines by tomorrow too. The cover is already due in three weeks! Aaaaahhhh!
There were other things, but I'll leave it at that :D