bleck, the future

Jul 30, 2008 00:11

music: elisa - rock your soul

So...IntroDUCKtion (yes, Oregon's mascot is a duck) was the 27th - 28th. I felt pretty lonely, short, and Asian. I'd never paled in comparison to so many skinny, tall, straight-haired white girls. A lot of the guys were ripped too! Way out of my league. I saw some hipsters and emo-banged boys *sighh* But no normal Asian boys, and no one quite like me. I hope it'll be much more comfortable during Week of Welcome (Sept. 25 - 28th). I felt good with two girls, one from Illinois and one from Portland. There wasn't an instant connection, but hopefully I'll see them during the year and bond or whatever. Overall, everyone's really nice and chill. And I started appreciating the campus. I'm basically going to school in a park. It's trees and grass everywhere! My biggest complaint is the buildings. I don't like bricks whatsoever. But the Lillis Business Complex is gorgeous and - of course - features glass. I have two classes in that amazing building! Seguing into my schedule...

CHN 101 (Mandarin, shoot me!), lecture M/W/F, 11 - 11:50AM; discussion same time on T/THR
ENG 220 Intro to the English Major, lecture M/W/F, 1 - 1:50PM; discussion F, 2 - 2:50PM
ASTR 122 Birth and Death of Stars, T/THR, 2 - 3:50PM
J 201 Mass Media and Society, T/THR, 5:30 - 6:50PM

(For a better picture, look at the Courses 2.0 app on my profile.)

Discussing Olde - Middle English texts is going to suck so much. I really regret declaring English as my major now...But that's why I signed up for one of the requirements for a Journalism major. I might throw myself back into that arena, specifically magazine. Maybe I can do graphic design, photojournalism, AND write articles for a living?? Those are some crazy dreams, but it'd be a combination of all my passions. I feel like I'd just be copying Keane, though, who's currently interning at GamesRadar, a videogame website. The only difference is that I'd specialize in entertainment instead. But anyway, I'm so pumped for the Journ class, even though it's sort of a night class. Whatever, I don't get hungry for dinner until 8 - 9ish. Omg, Astronomy! Yes, I lazied out on my Science class. I don't care for the subject, OK? The galaxy sounds cool though. And Mandarin...Besides its usefulness and blah blah blah, I feel like I need to start actively working on retaining some part of my culture. I've become so white. It's disgusting. And as Mark will tell anyone, my Cantonese is an embarrassment to Chinese people everywhere. I've never been good with accents. I can understand, but I can't speak or form sentences. That's how foreign languages have always been for me. Now I'm going to be learning one five days a week. It's going to be hell. But for once, I'm genuinely interested in my courses. They actually sound compelling.

Right now, I'm 40% excited, 60% scared shitless. It'll be a lot easier once I'm finally there, settled in, and can start learning and suffering again. It's going to take a lot of motivation, but it's finally time for me to stop slacking off.

Oh God, I'm going to college.


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