Room 511 - Early Tuesday Morning

Oct 19, 2010 07:38

Most of the time, George thought sharing a room with his best friend was pretty much the best thing ever. Sharing a room with his best friend when one of them was a hot girl and the other wasn't? Juuuust a little bit awkward.

It was less awkward after Kyle got punched for smugging it up over not turning into a lass.

Either way, George couldn't help a loud "Oh thank Mithros' balls!" when he realised he'd woken up boy-shaped again finally. If he had t'be a lass, he didn't mind being Jaina, her being hot and all, but being a lad really was way better for most things.

Though now that he thought about it, mayhap he'd get less suspicious looks did he look like a girl all the time... Nah, not worth it.

[OOC: For the roomie and anyone else with a reason to be hanging out in their room.]
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