
Apr 29, 2012 02:03

My new doujinshi arrived yesterday! ^q^

They are 6 SinJa doujin, 1 Kouen/Ja'far, 1 Masrur/Ja'far, 1 Alibaba/Hakuryuu, 1 General about Sindria Characters and 1 Gag about Kou Empire!
I really enjoyed the gag one, it was really fun XD and I really liked その涙の意味を誰も知らない (the one with Ja’far and flowers). It's really cute~

Nhh now I would like to buy even more SinJa but I should really save money because I need it... nhhh my heart and my wallet are fighting.

magi the labyrinth of magic, doujinshi

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