Does anyone here know Magi - the labyrinth of magic?
It is a wonderful manga, but is surprisingly unknown outside Asia. I've started to read it about 5/6 months ago thanks to my best friend, and I fell in love with it.
English chapters are very slow, so I looked at the raws and the Chinese scanlations. From very simple translations, summaries and
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Here in Italy Magi is licensed, so it is not that unknown... actually, I do think that at the biggest comic event of the Summer there will be a lot of Magi cosplayers!
About tumblr... You just tag your posts and then everyone is able to see it! The most used tag for Magi is 'Magi', of course!
Anyway, also mangahelpers is a good place to post translations, but I don't know how it works...
Oh, I've always wanted to know that too! We have the same thoughts!
In my headcanon, Ja'far loves working because he can do something in return for Sinbad. He wants to be useful... or, at least at first he just wanted to help him and so he started to work hard. But then this turned out of his control...
I mean, Jafar's hobby is 'work' and... "when he stops working and experiences withdrawal symptoms, he starts getting hives." °_°
Yes, I saw it! It's so cute that they can't attack the octopus because it has the shape of Sinbad~
I was so sad when Aladdin&co left Sindoria, because it meant that we would have not see Sindoria's characters for a while. I just love them, and there are so many things that I want to know about them, and especially about their past... I hope one day Ohtaka will show us a true flashback, and not just a sketch!
Ah, I know some of those circles! There are so many good fanartists in the Magi fandom. *A*
I found a Chinese forum with a lot of Magi doujinshi, but since it's all in Chinese I don't understand much OTL
Ahhhhhh, thank you for telling me! >w< ♥
No wonder that then Ja'far got angry :°D
I went on Tumblr and published two translation posts already XD Did you sse them?
I want to see their pasts so badly too! Soo want to know what happened when Ja'far tried to assassinate Sindbad. What I find sad about the pairing Sin/Ja is that Ja'far sometimes see himself lower than Sindbad because of his past... And that makes me love Ja'far even more >_< I feel like Ja'far has devoted himself wholly to Sindria (and Sin) so he's always working. And that's another part of him that I love. It's not hard to see that my favorite character is Ja'far XD.
Oh yeah... I think we'll definitely be seeing Sindria again, but maybe not for a long time. I'm worried about Sindbad since he's showing signs that he might turn to the dark side (-> this just sounds kind of funny)
The Chinese doijinshi website I usually go to is called Doufuten. That's probably the only place I know that translate Magi doujins.
You're very welcome :D It's so nice to chat about something you love with someone. I feel so lonely that no one I know in real life can discuss these things with me ;__;
I would buy the Japanese version too because I like it more, but, as you said, it would be very expensive to buy all the volumes ;; But I will surely buy volume 12 when it will be released in Japan! >w<
Ah, I see… It’s the same here, but the fact that Magi is licensed helps a lot! But even if Ja’far is just a side character, he is very popular…
Yes, my connection let me see it xD Thank you for posting them!
Morgiana is so cute ♥ But in the later chapters she will be able to ask him, right?
And Ja’far and Masrur are so cute too ♥ Ja’far is so motherly with Masrur :3
Actually, Ja’far is motherly towards a lot of characters… and sometimes he even acts like Sinbad’s mother! X°D
I love Jafar’s devotion towards Sindria and Sinbad too! I loved when in chapter 112 he said to Sinbad that he will follow him everywhere ♥
Yes, that’s right… I noticed that in chapter 116 there were also black rukhs around Sinbad! Actually, I think that there is still a lot of mystery around Sinbad. Surely in the past something happened… because in those chapters everytime Ja’far looked at Sinbad, he was so worried…
Anyway, since Sinbad’s and Jafar’s home countries were the only ones that are still not revealed, this makes me hope that there will be a big flashback about their past.
Ah, it’s that! I’ve sent a private message to an admin, and he(?) told me that I have to do 20 posts to see private sections. And I would do it if I could… but I can’t OTL
I’m so happy to discuss too!
And I’m also happy because it seems that we share a lot of opinions! ♥
Yeah Ja'far is really popular XD I think the fact that Sin/Ja is the most popular Magi pairing in Japan is one of the reasons for that. Because look-wise... Ja'far doesn't really stand out that much compared to most of the characters. But he has an interesting personality and past to make up for it and that's why I love him so much :D I mean, he can be really motherly towards the ones he likes (or a bit mean, especially to Sinbad XD), and ruthless towards his enemies. After chapter 110, the tag "Sindria's mad dog" was given to Ja'far XD I just love this gap in his personality <3
Yes Morgiana does end up asking Masrur the questions she wanted to ask in the later chapters XD
I really hope someday Ohtaka-sensei will draw their pasts... I wonder if what happened in the place that Judal and Sinbad was talking about (forgot the name, but Sinbad resented what Judal did there) has something to do with his black rukh... Yes! I was curious about Sinbad and Ja'far's birth places too since it wasn't revealed. In some doujins, Ja'far is described to be born from the very north or came from an already extinct race, so that's why he has such fair skin and unusual hair color.
Yeah... I remember you have to post a number of posts in order to see them. If you really want to see it, I can upload it for you in private as long as you don't distribute it somewhere else (because Chinese doujin forums don't allow people to do that). Just tell me which one you want to see XD
Uhhh, I know about the shipping fee... sometimes they are even more expensive than what you buy...
I remember that when I first got into Magi, I wondered why he was so popular. I liked him, but I was just... surprised?
Anyway, I love this gap too! And it makes me think, because towards his enemies he probably acts like he was used to act in the past when he was an assassin...
I didn't know about that tag! x°°D But I've seen many fanarts with growling Ja'far!
Anyway, if he is really born from the very north/came from an already extinct race it would make sense... it would explain Jafar's physical appearance and and maybe it would also explain why his homecountry is unknown.
Maybe the place you mean is Partebia?
I get some hints from a doujinshi (because there is no Japanese raws for chapter 110)...
It is also Drakon's homecountry. And maybe it is also linked to what made him turn into a dragon? Since he was a human once...
I'm gettin more and more curious. But since there are so many things unclear, my hope of a flashback becomes bigger... geez, I want to know it so bad!
There is also a scene of the past here ( ), can you tell what is this about?
I was also re-reading chapters 107-108, and there Ohtaka explained Masrur's and Sharrkan's familiar vessels technique. Ohtaka has still not done it for Jafar's Bararaaku Sei, so surely there will be a moment for him!
I hope that it will be Sindria to fight against Kou Empire, and not Aladdin&friends. Because Kouen it's the perfect rival for Sinbad, and I woud be a bit disappointed if Alibaba will be the one to take him down. I can accept if it is Hakuryuu though, because it makes sense...
Ah, that's not a problem! I know a lot of sites that does not allow you to redistribute their scans, and I never do that. If you can do that, I would love you forever! ;///; ♥
About what doujinshi... mhh, I don't actually know all their doujinshi °° Is there a list?
Generally I'm interested in SinJa and Zagan/Hakuryuu (but I know that there are no doujinshi for this pairing, expect the ones from ultrawhite), and a bit of Masrur/Sharrkan...
Yeah I know... shipping is sooo expensive!! I wanted to buy some doujins but was shocked when I saw how much shipping would cost. It was like almost 8 times the cost of the doujins I wanted to buy.
I love that Sinbad and Ja'far both have dark side XD I really want to know what happened in Ja'far in the past that he became an assassin >_< And did you notice there was a sewing-like scar on his legs? I wonder what's with that? Did he injure himself or did someone do that to him... I sooo want to know!
Hmm I can't remember what that place was called. I think it was mentioned when Sinbad told Alibaba how was indebted to his father after the tragedy at that place.
Oh that page is just saying Sinbad went to a magoi (magic power?) controll village to learn the technique.
Speaking of Ja'far's familiar vessels, we have yet to see Ja'far win on a 1-on-1 fight XD I want to see Ja'far fight more often... he needs some stress off work!
I think after Kouen came out, the pairing Kouen/Ja'far came out of nowhere XDDD I still don't get how people can pair them up... Most of the doujin works I've seen about this pair is Kouen stealing Ja'far (Sinbad's wife??) from him to threaten him or something lol
I'll send you the list of the doujins I have by message. Some of the names are in Chinese because I couldn't find the Japanese names for them. But the doujin artist names are all listed :D
I was very lucky because I was able to purchase my doujinshi directly from Asino.
Anyway, there are also some good Magi doujinshi also on ebay, but they are very few…
Uhm, I think he had to become an assassin in order to survive, without any particular reason. In my opinion he was an orphan… But now I remember that when Sinbad talks about him at Sindoria’s party, he says that Ja’far is a master in a particular assassination technique. So maybe it is not just him, but also his family? Hmm, I’m even more confused now…
Yeah, I noticed! I remember that one week everyone on pixiv started to draw Ja’far with scars. Since there were so many fanarts, I thought that it couldn’t be just fanmade and so I checked Ohtaka’s blog and tegaki to see where he was shown with scars, and I found it! And then I started to wonder when he got it…
For a moment I thought that he was hurt during the fight with Judal , but he didn’t do anything to Jafar’s legs. Ahhh… there are so many mysteries about Ja’far!
Uh, I see. Nothing too much important, so!
That’s right! And half of the times is because Sinbad stopped him XD I really hope that he will get more show time during the fight with Kou Empire! He has to protect Sinbad, so I don’t think that he will think only about work in that occasion… but really, in his life there are only work and Sinbad!
About Kouen… yes, you said the main reason for that pairing XD
Ja’far is the closest person to Sinbad, and so Kouen might try to “steal” him to threaten Sinbad, or he can try to torture Ja’far in order to gain information about Sinbad.
… I admit that, even though it is TOTALLY a crack pairing, I like it. I used to not like it, but since I roleplay Magi with a friend and I roleplay Kouen, I had so much fun when I tried to roleplay this storyline XD
Thank you very much! I sent you a message with my reply!
And since you mentioned it… are there any doujinshi with Kouen?
For some reason, I've always think of Ja'far as someone who doesn't value his life much. Another online friend of mine said Ja'far will probably lose the will to live if Sinbad dies, and I totally agree with her. This makes me kind of sad T_T
I'm not sure about the "particular assassination technique" thing. At least when I read the Chinese version, it's something like "special assassination skill" so I didn't interpret it that way... But it's highly likely that Ja'far learned his assassination skill from someone.
About Ja'far's scars... I think he already has it when he tried to assassinate Sinbad. But back then, some people thought that was not scars but the design of Ja'far's pants, but recently the update of the farewell party in Tegaki blog showed Ja'far's legs with the scars!
Yeah Ja'far should be strong since he's one of the eight generals. It doesn't happen often in manga to have a character who's 文官 (I can't find the right word in English. It means an official who handles all the paperwork.) and is strong!
I countered a few Kouen/Ja'far doujin works and they were amusing to read XD Aside from Sin/Ja, I also kind of like Judal/Ja'far... but I don't think many people like this pairing...
You're welcome :D No... I didn't see any doujin with Kouen yet...
By the way, since you've been in the English Magi fandom longer than I have, can you tell me which of the TEGAKI blog entries have been scanlated already? After I finished one of the Ren Kougyoku related one, I realized someone had done it earlier... T_T
I agree with you too.
I don’t know if he would commit suicide though, because I think he is also very prideful. Probably, he would just pass the rest of his life completely blank and emotionless. And he would cry when no one can look at him… ;_;
I looked at the word in the original Japanese page, and it is “特殊”(とくしゅ), which means special/unique. I think it can be interpreted in many different ways, since there isn’t an official explanation or other hints. But, as you said, if his technique is so ‘special’, I doubt that Ja’far created it all by himself...
Yes, you’re right! He had that scar even when he was a child. It is shown here ( ). Before seeing all those fanarts on pixiv, I thought too that they were just pants, because the shape was too particular °-° Really, I wonder what he might have got through, to have such a wound at only 14 years!
I’ve also read a comic on pixiv in which Kouen was convinced that Ja’far was a girl… it was very fun XD
I like Judal&Ja’far together, but I see their relationship more as a hate/competition one than a lovely one. I think Ja’far can’t stand Judal…
Ok, of course! I will try to remember all the translations that were posted on tumblr.
These are the ones who should have been already translated: (until number 15, but I think machiawase is going to translate also the rest.)
And I saw also some extra of the volumes translated by some people on tumblr.
… the problem with tumblr is that it is very difficult to look at the old posts (well, it is if the posts are older than a week and you’re looking for it in the tag search), and so many people might not know about these translations… :|
Ah, thank you again for the doujinshi ASDFGHJKL >///<
Well I especially like Judal/Ja'far with the precondition of Sinbad<-Ja'far. So I imagine them to be like this: Judal knows about Ja'far liking Sinbad and use this to provoke him. Then Ja'far enters mad-dog mode and they fight XD.
Wow quite a lot has been translated already! Yeah I was trying to look for which ones have been scanlated yet but it takes too long to browse through the tags. Even though I really want to translate the Sindria ones, I don't want to spoil the people who's reading the scanlation though...
You're welcome! :D It would be nice if you can share your thoughts on the doujins with me >w
… unh, that’s why I love SinJa so much. Even if Ja’far is always mean to Sinbad, he is all his world and Jafar’s life would be meaningless without him.
Sometimes I wonder about Sinbad’s feelings for Ja’far, but I think that also for him Ja’far is special. I think he is the only one to whom he can confess all his worries , and to whom he can completely open up , since Sinbad know that Ja’far would never turn his back on him…
Ahah, that’s PERFECT! That’s exactly how their relationship would be X°D
Uhm, if you want to translate them and post them now, you can do a text post with a ‘read more’ and tag ‘Magi’ but also ‘spoiler’!
Thank you again! Ahhh, I would really like to do that!
There are so many things about Sin/Ja that's depressing when you think about it, but I just love these kinds of stuff XDD It especially hurts more when it's Sin<-Ja...
I think for now I'll just finish the ones without spoilers. But there are some entries that cross-over with Sumomo... not sure if I'll translate those ones since I have yet to finish reading that series. But I do like the Ja-far one and the valet meeting one XD
I wish there's an active Magi community so it's easier to organize the translations together...
Yes, that's true! It may be the reason why he doesn’t seem to worry much about Ja’far. But this behavior sometimes makes me really wonder if Ja’far is a ‘special’ person to Sinbad, and not just one of his generals. Because he doesn’t seem to treat him differently from the others, except the fact that they always quarrels…
… and this is one of the things about them that makes me sad T_T I love angst too, but I love this pairing so much that it really hurts when I think about this kind of things…
You should finish Sumomomo Momomo! It’s really beautiful, and it is so sad that only few people know about it. It’s really funny, and the last volume was amazing ;///; But I don’t understand which tegaki you are referring to…
I wish it too… But the most active places are tumblr and mangafox forum, as I said :/ I’ve made a forum for Magi but it’s mostly for Italian people.
If only there was an active Livejournal community, it would be all easier, I think… that’s why sometimes I would like to create a new one…
AHHHHHHHHHH thank you so much for your summaries I was melting when i read them ;////;
I will give a longer comment when I will be able to load LJ again (I am using my mail to post this comment).
Ah, by the way, if you have skype or something similar, I can give you my contact and we can talk also there!
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