a thousand eyes through your soul

May 17, 2010 21:54

OTH you guys! It's been like twelve hours since this happened and I'm still like "FUCK YEAH PEACOCKS!"

So, there's this random squawking sound I hear every once in a while in my neighbourhood that sounds like a person doing a really bad impression of a cat. It echoes through the neighbourhood and I couldn't ever tell if it was some crazy cat or a little kid being weird or what. Then, this morning, I'm driving home from Dia's to get my iPod before work and there's this little green thing with a long tail walking across the street up the road and I'm thinking "that looks like a peacock but that is not a fucking peacock my eyesight sucks" and then I get closer and THAT IS A FUCKING PEACOCK HOLY SHIT NO WAY. Homeboy was just strutting across the street like one of the neighbours and people walking by were like "peacock? oh hey, what's up dude." and I'm like "NO WAY!" and then I park and grab my shit stopping at each of the landings on the staircase to look out and confirm, once more, YES IT IS A PEACOCK HOT DAMN!

So then I run back down to my car and hit the road but I turn left up the hill instead of right down the hill and turn around the corner at the top and lo and behold, PEACOCK!

He started walking faster when I pulled up next to him but didn't really bolt for it or anything, like he was more concerned that I was too stupid not to run him over than any actual ill intent.

This is when I remembered the crazy noise they make and realised that's what that crazy noise I hear every now and then is! FUCK YEAH PEACOCKS!

Now check this out...

Last night, I was at the Shortstop and was talking to some random girl about random stuff and she was like "where do you live" and I described the area and she was like "oh, near the peacocks?" (THIS IS PRE-PEACOCK ENCOUNTER) and I thought it was a loud bar and I just couldn't hear what she was saying or she was mistaken or drunk and was like "what? uh, yeah yeah" and completely forgot about it until I FUCKING DRIVE UP MY STREET AND IT'S MOTHERFUCKING PEACOCK TIME.

I want to go stalk him (them?!) with my real camera now. I will whore myself out as a peahen in order to provoke the peacock's magnificent plumage. PEAFOWL PEAFOWL PEAFOWL! GO GO GO!

los angeles, peacock

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