NAMELY PEOPLE WHO KNOW Tales of the Abyss.
Please look over this third person sample for Tear and tell me what you think. With my application at
polychromatic they said "it was a little too superficial" and that that wanted something that studied more of her relationships with the characters from her crew and the likes so I had to write a second one.
Luke's footsteps had long since faded minutes earlier. Despite his offer for her to go back with him, she refused with a shake of her head, saying she needed to be alone for a bit longer. When he smiled and nodded, she felt a wave of gratitude and thanked him quietly.
The wind was a gentle caress against her cheek, lost eyes gazing up to the night sky overhead. Tear was alone now, left to her thoughts on this, the eve of something so important. She hugged her knees close and breathed the smallest of sighs--- and then, despite herself, smiled a smile just as small.
While the others were preparing themselves for what was to come tomorrow, Tear knew that she was ready.
Tomorrow she would have to pass the line and take the life of her only brother to save a world that was struggling to move on from Yulia's Score.
She knew that Natalia had gone through similar feelings as she was now. She had even sat with the young princess and addressed it. And when Tear had seen the look on Natalia's face after she had let that arrow fly there was a flinch within her own heart. It wasn't right, having to take the life of someone who shared your blood. It just... wasn't fair.
People could change; Luke had certainly proved this to her. In the days that had passed, just as she had promised, Tear had watched him. At first his words only brought her doubts. After all, the disaster of Akzeriuth was something that he could never find forgiveness for. And yet... he had learned. Before her eyes she had observed the replica grow from a shadow that felt sorry for himself to a living being that could stand all on his own.
But why couldn't Van understand this?
The silence of the night was gently broken when from her lips poured the beginning notes of a hymn that blossomed from deep within herself.
"Tue rei ze croa riou tue ze--"
It wasn't just Luke that had changed either. Everyone had changed since the beginning. A number of these changes had come at great costs---Ion's passing, delving into the past that some wished to keep buried, secrets that were spoken aloud, faces that returned on replicas---but they came none the less. She knew that with life comes change. That was just the way things were.
And with change came trust. That was the exchange, wasn't it?
Trust comes when people change for the better. The littlest of changes can make the biggest of differences-- things like speaking to Guy without him having a complete freak out certainly made life easier. She had seen the pain in his eyes when he spoke of that fateful night for him. The difference of a life had left such a impact on him that it had taken him all these years alone to realize it.
"--Croa riou ze tue riou rei neu riou ze--"
Anise had played the part of a betrayer for the sake of her family's life. Because of Mohs Anise had to betray not only them, her friends and comrades, but she even tricked Ion. Ion, the one person she spent the most time with for the past two years and befriended. Even Tear couldn't bring herself to blame the girl for Ion's death. The fonist watched the guardian struggle to hold herself together when Ion reached out to her one final time.
In a world so twisted by scores and ideals, it was easy to get swept away by it all. Even til the very end, the Fon Master replica could see goodness in anyone. And because of that Tear could accept Anise after all that happened.
"--Va rei ze tue neu tue riou tue croa--"
Everyone changes but her brother could not see this. It was the painful truth that brought her to her final decision. it was her responsibility as not just a human being, not only as a a fonist and follower of Yulia, but as his sister to see to it that his plans of a replica world at the cost of the lives of originals was to be stopped.
"--Riou rei croa riou ze rei va ze rei..."
If Natalia could go through with the same understanding as she had now, then so could Tear. Tomorrow she would not face the brother she loved and grown up together with. No. That man had died long ago.
Easing herself up to stand she brushed the back of her clothes, hands holding each other behind her back. The moon was high in the sky, the silhouette of replica Hod hovering in front of it.
Again she heard footsteps approach from behind. But, instead of turning around to see, the fonist only smiled faintly and waited for the person to stop at her side. Once they did, she closed her own eyes for a brief second before opening them again, turning her head just a fraction to see Jade standing there.
"It's getting late. You should get some rest."
"You should too," came the easy reply. "You may be used to the actions of battle, but even a colonel should know when to sleep."
A soft chuckle was heard, a flash of the reflection from his glasses as he pushed them a bit up the bridge of his nose. "My, my, if I didn't know any better I would think you were about lecture me on what I can and cannot do."
"It was only a suggestion," Tear answered as an eyebrow rose.
"Oh, silly me."
She rolled her eyes and brought her hands to hips. The man could be extremely irritating even without trying. But this time, she appreciated it. It reminded her that despite everything... all that they had been through, they could still be who they are. And it was able to ease some of her own troubled thoughts.
Do you think this would fulfill what they're asking for? D8