Oct 20, 2004 14:02
Ok....we had our first VC (Video Conference) 8th period (i'm updating this 9ther period) and it sucked basically. I had a higher expectation than what they gave....they were unprepared, kinda of rude in their comments and i was just very disappointed...we spent alot of time setting up our power points and movie to show them what our school and area is like and we have to meet with them like the way we did. It really was depressing and i hope that the other schools we meet with are so much better. Ugh, it makes me mad 'cause this is their second year doing VC, the people in Chicago should know how to act appropriatly and how to present and stuff like that but it obviously didn't sink in to their skulls yet. VERY DISAPPOINTING!!!!!!!!
Leave it and come to our concert!
Parting Quote: Look at the last update.