001. ((Okay I'm done with OOC flist spam))

Jul 17, 2009 23:45

[If you happen to be on Beaver Street today, you may run across a rather bewildered looking man, just standing outside of a house, number 1763 to be precise, muttering to himself, and examining the house.]

Now, what in tarnation...  This sure ain't any place I ever seen before. I don't think I like it, not one bit. [he rubs his chin, and turns away from the house to look up and down the street.] Sure as heck ain't any base I ever heard of. BLU's gotta be behind this, somehow. But dang, why go through all this trouble? Even gone and taken mah hat 'n' goggles! [pauses, and sits down on the stoop of his new "home"] What I ain't gettin', though... wouldn't killin' me be easier? But, hell, who ever said BLU ever made any gosh-darned sense.


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