boredom in extremis

Nov 01, 2004 13:07

So what does a bored kid do when he's sitting at home without anything to do except listening to a few songs and sitting in front of this monitor? Answer: he rambles on a bit about his boring life and does a quiz or two to pass the time. As a result of both, here's a Live Journal entry.

I have a test next Thursday and that may be a problem...I know absolutely jack shit about it, I don't have all the books I need to study for it and I still feel like the summer's not over so studying is still a very hard thing to do. Let's see how that one goes, it isn't the first time this kind of situation happens. Continuing with college life...humm...lots of ups and downs but it's been a very smooth trip until now, let's see how it goes. I found out that cutest and coolest girl in the whole school is already taken, that was a big downer but nothing to cry about. Halloween was cool, we had a blast the whole weekend (we have a tendency to stretch out the parties as much as we can)...we met new people, we laughed, normal and not very entertaining stuff to read about.

Moving on.

f i r s t s

First best friend: Humm....I really don't know...maybe Guilherme, back in 1st grade or something like that

First true friend: not sure...I had lots of surprises and disappointments along the years so it's tough to say

First car: I don't drive

First break-up: Sofia I think...many years ago

First screen name: I can't remember, probably something stupid knowing me.

First self purchased album: pfff can't remember

First pet: I was too young to remember

First piercing/tattoo: none yet

First credit card: none yet

First true love: never had one

First enemy: no idea

First big trip: The Algarve Takeover :)

First music you remember hearing in your house: probably one of those cds my parents bought me with classical music for kids...guess that plan wasn't successful, hey mom and dad?

l a s t s

Last car ride: yesterday, from sintra to carcavelos

Last library book checked out: can't remember

Last movie seen: 6th sense

Last beverage: coffee

Last food consumed: some cake that was tempting me in the kitchen

Last crush: Beatriz

Last phone call: a couple of hours earlier to wake up a friend of mine so I wouldn't be home alone :P

Last time showered: a couple of hours

Last shoes worn: my beloved black and white Vans Old-Skools =D

Last item bought: probably a pack of Camels

Last time wanting to have sex: when I read this question. before that probably 2 or 3 minutes ago

Last annoyance: fight with my parents this morning

Last time wanting to die: why should I?

Last time scolded: a few hours ago after the fight with my parents

s p e c i f i c s

What kind of shampoo do you use? Whatever kind my mom brings home

What are you most scared of? growing old and helpless and losing my mind in the process....and tarantulas

What are you listening to right now? some brazilian punk-rock band...I'm not sure of their name

Where do you want to get married? never thought about that

How many buddies are online right now? 20

What would you change about yourself? I'm not sure...perhaps my nerves and my hot-headed temper.

f a v o r i t e s

Color: black and red

Food: italian

Boys' names: not sure...I like mine

Girls' names: I kinda like Beatriz

Subjects in school: maybe English....because it's a zero-effort subject

Sports: professional ice-hockey of course....where else are you going to see huge men beating the crap out of eachother without police intervention?

Perfume: whatever my family gives me for christmas

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

Given anyone a bath? nope

Bungee jumped? nope

Made yourself throw up? yes...not one of my favorite things though

Skinny dipped? yup

Ever been in love? I doubt it

Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? nope

Pictured your crush naked? sure

Actually seen your crush/love naked? a few I have, a lot I haven't

Cried when someone died? not that I remember

Lied? fuck yes

Fallen for your best friend? no

Been rejected? of course

Rejected someone? yes

Used someone? yes

c u r r e n t

Clothes: jeans, a black volcom sweater and my black vans

Music: the same brazilian band

Make-up: not for me, thanks

Annoyance: my old folks

Smell: nothing to strong to identify

Desktop picture: a wallpaper that I got from

Cd in player: none

Dvd in player: none

Color of toenails: no color

l a s t | p e r s o n

You touched: the friend I met a while ago

You IMed: dunno

a r e | y o u

Understanding: sometimes

Open-minded: I like to believe I am

Insecure: in some occasions

Interesting: that's not for me to say

Monotone: again, that's not for me to say

Hungry: a bit, yeah

Smart: I think so

Moody: a lot

Hardworking: it depends

Organized: nope

Healthy: nothing seriously wrong with me I think

Attractive: I don't know.

Bored easily: extremely

Responsible: that depends on who you're asking

Obsessed: sometimes

Angry: sometimes

Sad: sometimes

Disappointed: sometimes

Happy: sometimes

Hyper: occasionally, mostly after some substances start affecting my brain

Trusting: not really

Talkative: it depends on who I'm talking to

Legal: humm...yeah?

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a

Kill: a few people

Slap: a few people

Talk to offline: again, a few people

r a n d o m

In the morning I am: VERY moody, I can't stand people waking me up

All I need is: something I don't know what it is

Love is: something I'd like to see with my own eyes

I dream about: really crazy stuff

do |y o u | h a v e

Scars on your body? a few

Piercings? not yet

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