I'm still ill

Dec 20, 2006 17:59

The last 5 WEEKS.
Miserably lonesome.
I’ve been sick.

Chronic Viral Bronchitis:
Bronchitis is an obstructive pulmonary disorder
characterized by inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs.
It is common in habitual tobacco smokers.
Chronic bronchitis is predominantly caused by smoking,
and has also been linked to excessive alcohol consumption
and exposure to cold and draught.

Now I know why I’m sick…
The cough is bad enough.
But fuck, I’m dying for,
And from a cigarette!
Forced to quit on my spirits.
It hurts to want something
You can’t have.
I built a tolerance to that much.
I have been Boozing it up a lot.
Party time you know,
Holiday season,
Work parties, and
Cold nights.
An excuse for normal people
To get drunk,
and for drunks, like me,
To act Normal.
So now, on my day off
Sitting in a sleeping bag
With a hoodie stained of hair grease, and loogies
In front of this Fluorescent marvel
Hacking , and coughing away
Wishing I had someone to tell me how gross it is.
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