Aug 02, 2007 02:55
I just love it when the orthodontist messes up and subsequently I accidentally tear off a portion of my gums.
Don't ask how it happened. It's fairly gross. Let's just say there was a lot of strangely positioned swelling which is now "mysteriously" gone, right before my appointment with the orthodontist so she could fix the problem to make the swelling go down. Now I am stuck wondering how to explain, "Yeah, I'd have something for you to treat if you hadn't messed up and had me rip a chunk of skin off, so now I'm just here for you to make sure everything is alright and not about to deteriorate."
I'm not going to cancel the appointment because the next time I'll be able to get into her office is a week from now.
In unrelated news, google "Derren Brown" for a couple hours of interesting reads and endless frustration with .ram's.