Jul 30, 2005 10:54
well yesterday i hung out with georgia bageorgia!! i missed this bitch!! then we walked to her moms store and met up with julia && laura nuzzo..we had henas done hehe..i<3mine its sexy =] lol..then we went to julias house..hung around there for a while && i was like real hyper cuz i had chocolate lol and i was like syco...georgia re-named snuffels to WOOBIE!! haha...we went back to georgias and did what ever...keifer<3333333333333 called me and georgia picked up and started screaming WOOBIE WOOBIE WOOBIE I LOVE MY WOOBIE!!! and keith was just like his mean evil self lol saying shut the fuck up && stuff but he was kidding,.i know shocker lol..then julia went home...then i went home...and talked to keifer on the phone from 12-1..he kept calling me FAGG MUFFIN..which is um my word lol..fagg muffin lol..then he kept calling me big tits magy(sp) and i was like ah stop lol...nice conversation huh lol...then i went to bed &&& woke up and now here i am..im gonna go re-fix my hair so it's all pretty for today...today im hanging with melissa!!<333 &&& then later we're meting up with keifer<333333333333333333333 and mike karwaski....bye bye<3