Sep 07, 2006 01:06
'So what are we going for today?' I asked, turning to the old wolf running beside me. 'An old abandoned place, which is kind of your thing, isn't it?' 'Yeah, sounds great. I hope to find something that can be brought home with me. Terrible shortage of beautiful things where I live, you know." "Yes. I see it everyday, you know, it's not like your world and mine are estranged." "I know, but for our part, we believe its seperate, and that's a hard thing to overcome. We believe in ourselves, and that's about it. The trust is dwindling quickly. So hopefully there's something in these ruins that can help remind people. I tell you I know some trees who are better conversationalists than humans are." "Ha ha. You know that's often true, but there are enough people like you, aren't there?" "Yeah, but many of them I've never met up above, we just work together everywhere else. Well, I can say 'together' but really its just more we have a general consensus on what needs done and then we all go do our own thing. But you know I can always talk to my wife, and that's enough in itself. We were able know each other through mankind's efforts to connect and globalize their world. Ironically that same globalization is causing a lot of damage there, that's a big reason why all this anger's been unleashed recently." "I see." He said. We ran through the forest path quietly for a time, until the ruins were just up ahead.
"We'll have to be careful from here,' he said. "There is a collossus protecting this place."
"Well, I've dealt with that before, and unlike giants, they actually do have a weak point."
The wolf grinned, flashing ivory at me, and for a moment I could see the moon reflected in them, even in the afternoon sun. Such strength. "I'm just glad you're on my side," I said and grinned back as I reached into the soft earth underfoot and pulled out a huge sword which reflected the gold of the sun off its shimmering white surface. "Is that elephant tusk?" he asked me, and I was proud to see he was impressed. 'Actually it was your teeth that inspired me. It's of Lunar origin. As above, so below, and all that." "Interesting," he said, as we made our way into the territory of the colossus.