Have a banana!

May 07, 2006 00:54

"Alleee : I'm just saying that, that there are very few plants, and we argue - with some environmentalists a lot who don't believe in bioengineered food, because all, because most of the food that we eat of course is farmed, and is done through horticulture, and we've engineered these - these fruits and vegetables to be more tasty to us. So actually, the banana seems to be not, not made by God at this point, it's more like um... what, what came first, the banana or the hand ? [laugh] You know ? Man took the banana and made it better for man...

Ray Comfort : Okay, you've got that one. You can have the banana."


So, now that he's admitted the banana argument is crap... how long do you think it'll take for him to stop selling these?
Mark my words, a year from now they'll still be available on his site. He wouldn't be a professional Creationist if he'd let a little thing like the facts in the way of making money out of the superstitious and ignorant, would he?

creationism, cranks

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