yep. it's another meme. because it's what i do.

Jul 26, 2009 15:57

I was tagged by so_vieh... how could I resist? I might have some icons soon, btw...

First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Second: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Lots of pillows or just one? I prefer lots of pillows stacked up in a V pattern behind my head... John calls this "the barrier".

What kind of books do you read? I've been reading a bunch of different kinds of books lately because I joined my friends in a book club and they MAKE me read books that aren't fannish or true crime or James Patterson (all of which I love). So generally decent literature-ish fiction, a handful of typical junior fiction (Harry Potter, Twilight), crap fiction (like Patterson and the like) and a handful of non-fiction books (like John Krakauer). I probably own mostly fannish books or true crime books, tho.

What are your most awesome skills? Procrastination, negativity, self-pity... oh and photoshop. :D And sarcasm.

What's your occupation? This question assumes I *have* an occupation... Hahahahahahahaha!!! o__O

What's really creepy? Spiders. And stalkers. And "real person" fiction.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Fandom: Supernatural and X-Files (der)... the weighting varies weekly... this week, I more heavily fan SPN...
Obsession: See "fandom"...
Addiction: The interwebs: facebook,,, ew's popwatch blog, livejournal...

What flavour ice cream would you choose right now? Um... none? I'd rather have peanut butter cookies. Mmmm. Peanut butter cookies.

What websites do you always visit when you go online? See "addiction" and add yahoo mail.

What was the last thing you bought? Underwears!

What was the cutest thing you've seen today? A picture of a flister's puppy (Winchester)... SO F'ING CUTE!!

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave? Um ya because I'm on a diet and I crave sandwiches (bread is taboo) and cookies... last week I craved Cheetos in the worst way.

What do you do to change your mood? Watch TV, listen to tunes, have a shower, sleep...

What is your zodiac sign? Libra

Do you want to learn another language? I would love to learn to speak proper french and spanish. I kind of know french - enough to understand written french - but even after TEN whole years of taking french in school, I cannot carry a conversation. Spanish seems like easier french...

Five things you can't live without. My family/husband/friends, my sleep, my computer, music, my books/magazines OR tv (either/or - as long as I had one of those)... though obviously not literally... literally: food, sleep, water, music, family/husband/friends.

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now? I hate you. Really. I do. Because you're a horrible manager, you helped make my life miserable, turned a job I liked into a job I hated and even after a year and a half without you as a manager, you've still managed to continue to make my life more difficult. And you're a c-bag.

Too negative? :)

What are you looking forward to? Having a job and disposable income once again.

Say something to the person who tagged you: so_vieh... why is it that I can NEVER remember how to correctly spell your username? And you're tots awesome, give great advice and are one of my all-time favourite flisters. :) *mwah*
Tag: lady_rock, splodge04, heartdrawndream, betty_mraz, adina_mpj, smashedpeaches, all_at_once and soonersurrender. You've prolly all been tagged or already finished this, tho y/y?

Reposted because LJ is a bi-atch.


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