K so... um... that was probably the best American Idol finale EVER!
And I totally predicted that upset at ew.com's prediction challenge. Bwahahahahaha! :) Made for DAMN good TV, too.
Still, Adam grew on me as the competition went on as you can tell he's a super nice guy. He does have talent... I just got WAY tired of his Screamy McScreamy routine and lookin' at his tonsils. I'm much more satisfied with the laid back, acoustic sounds of Kris Allen anyway. I'll be reserving judgement about what kind of record he puts out when he puts one out... I love David Cook but I don't think I own that CD... cuz I didn't think it was so good. And the single Kris had to sing is fucking gawd awful. Blech. Way to go, Kara... idiot.
Highs and lows of tonight's show?
1) I still think Norman Gentle is funny. I can't help it. There's obviously something wrong with me. HIGH
2) Bikini Girl. ENUFF. Please. Plus, the boobs... really? God. LOW
3) The montage of Randy saying "For me, for you" seemed too short. Did they just go thru the last four episodes? HIGH
4) Kris and Adam singing with Queen. DOODs. I would shit my pants and drool like a 2 year old if that ever happened to me. Can you say (second) BEST BAND EVER!? (second to The Who). HIGH
5) Kara. Honestly. Even for charity... please... keep you clothes on. That was... WAY awkward. LOW
6) Tatiana's bizarre security-enhanced perfomance was... awkward and uncomfortable. The following words will haunt me tonight "Tatiana, I'm not kidding... I need to go to break." Why didn't they just turn off her mic and go to commercial instead of pandering to her showboating. That smacks of preplanned awkwardness to me and that's the worst kind. LOW
7) Kris and Adam's parents. HIGH
8) Allison Iraheta and Cyndi Lauper... FTMFW. OMG I love that song. And you could tell Allison was tots into it like hard core. I *will* buy her album. HIGH
9) Okay... Kiss is pretty cool... despite their geriatric age. How doods that are nigh 60 can walk around in those boots astounds me. And Adam sounded pretty good with them too. HIGH
10) Kris saying "Adam deserves this..." Dood no. YOU deserve it just as much. Adam was the flash... you were the heart. HIGH
11) That lame song, No Boundries... Kara should be shot. LOW
12) Black Eyed Peas... Boom Boom Pow should be given a rest or it will become old and fast. Nevertheless, this was entertaining. HIGH
13) I didn't need to see Jorge or Sarver again. Or Lil. LOW
14) Good to know Rod Stewart doesn't want to be upstaged and had to sing alone. Guy always seemed like a dick to me... I'm sure he's not, tho. LOW
15) How come Adam gets the gigantic Kiss production with pyro and costumes and Kris gets a decidedly un-flashy country-bumpkin ballad to sing with Mr. Nicole Kidman? LOW
Ya so good show. Sad the season is over. Can't wait to watch the Idolatry videos on ew.com this week. Slezak has to dye his hair Iraheta Red because Adam didn't win. :)
That's all. It's 3 am for cryin' out loud.