When I read the premise for Fringe, I was skeptical. It sounded EXACTLY like X-Files and did we really need another X-Files? No. But this was JJ Abrams new series... it had Pacey from Dawson's Creek and the uber-hot Mark Valley so why not give her a whirl? It took me precisely three episodes and five minutes to realize this show is frakking AWESOME. The opening sequence for the 4th episode - The Arrival - is one of my all time favourite television scenes. It was so bizarre and random and off kilter that I needed to watch it again before I watched the rest of the show. So here's a picspam... for
picspammy , of course. It stars The Observer, Fringe's shadowy mystery man who seems to be EVERYWHERE. He's in a diner. He orders some food. He's spying on a random construction site across the road. Seems ubiquitous enough...
The unsuspecting waitress... oh that poor girl. I mean I've had customers like this guy who make you say to yourself "I don't get paid enough to deal with this level of crazy". The Observer looks strange, acts strange, eats strange things... he's just staring out the window while blindly writing in his little book... strange writing. The actress asks him if it's Korean. HA! :)
Oh and then his food comes. o__O "Roast beef sandwich on a roll - meat raw as possible. Room-temperature water - no ice. Do you have jalapenos? I'll have eleven of those. On the side." Because eleven jalapenos isn't enough, let's dump and entire shaker of pepper and a half a bottle of tobasco sauce on top. Why not? Then the dude just mows it down like it's birthday cake. I love the look the two waitresses give him. I've given that look. To the crazy people.
It takes him like zero minutes to finish his sandwich and that gives him plenty of time to randomly stare out at the construction site. He checks his watch, closes up his book and kaboom! That place goes up. He calmly chugs his glass of room-temperature water while everyone else around him starts to freak out...
At least he gives her a good tip as the crane next door collapses. He calmly walks out and right into the chaos. Because that's what he does. he observes the chaos.. I fucking love this scene. :) - Karen caps from
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