Today is the 5th anniversary of September 11th. What did September 11th mean 10 years ago? 6 years ago? Was it a birthday... an anniversary... a first day of work... a day to sleep in... a day to go to school? Was it significiant? Or did 9.11.01 change everything for you when it meant nothing before? Could you fathom losing someone to terroism? Your mother, your sister, your husband, your child? Do you feel disconnected because you have no ties to New York, no one you know died that day, or you never think about it?
Ive asked these questions a lot, because I am someone that thinks about it.. a lot. Ive studied it, read about it, mourned over it, gotten angry about it.. and I dont personally know anyone that died. I put myself there, in the buildings, think 'what would I have done?' and I dont know. Would I have called and said goodbye to someone that I loved?
Instead I was in Johnson City, TN in my first year of college. Its the first day I ever felt scared for my country. Going back to my lonely dorm and being alone in my room and watching something I couldnt understand. At 8:46 and 9:03 AM something changed America that we still cant truly explain. All I know is that its something I will tell my children about, like my grandparents did Pearl Harbor. I will teach my kids in my classes about when I am teaching.
Just my thoughts on today..I can hope everyone at least takes a moment to reflect what people went through that day.
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies
-Psalm 118:6-7
If you are someone that believes in a memorial for Ground Zero, please visit this site, and if you can, donate even a small amount. If you cant, go vote for the petition to the Postmaster General to make a stamp in honor of the memorial, in which procedes would go to the foundation. You can vote here: