(no subject)

Apr 25, 2009 23:08

It's a beautiful day today.  I got my first burn of the season!  I was outside by the puddle painting with my class.  It was a lot of fun... I'm surprised that I actually started and finished a 16x24 painting in such short amount of time.  Sure, it's kind of shitty, but it was my first trying to accomplish something sitting outside and looking, rather than looking at a picture and taking my time.

I'm quite content right now.  I mean, I still hate it here, but I'm not miserable at the moment. =P

The weather is absolutely GORGEOUS tonight (it was gorgeous today too, but very sunny and very hot... sunscreen was on and I STILL felt like I was burning horribly!).  Warm and cool, you know?

Work was nice today.  Or, it was work, but I like it.  I've explained that before. xP  Adam stopped by and we chatted for a bit... the girls stopped in for a few minutes, too.  After work I went and played Life with everybody, which was fun.  I was a stripper who lived in a mobile home with my lesbian life partner and (eventually) my five kids.  Oh Life.  xP

I don't know, there's nothing interesting, per se.  I'm just chilled out, you know?

I do wish he was here right now though.  I really miss him already... Can we be done with that whole long-distance thing already?  =(

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