
Aug 12, 2005 11:08

I just woke up. Meh. Our apartment experiences frequent power blips it seemes so I had to reset my clock. One of these days it's going to happen at night and my alarm won't go off and I'll miss school. I know it will.

So here's an update on school.

Comp Apps- boring like I thought. More intresting than it's highschool version but still. And I really dislike the person I sit next to. (To be explained below)

Game Analysis- Fucking sweet. This class assigned me to play a video game for four hours. Ha ha ha ha. Sure I have to examine different aspects of the game and all but seriously, how many classes are that cool? The teacher is awesome too. Like all the students, Gibby(His real name is Chris), is a gamer and it shows. He threatens to force choke those who get out of line. (Force choke is the thing Darth Vadar does to his subordinates)

Into to Game Development- The one history class I can like. This goes over the histroy of gaming including stuff I hadn't even heard of. We've talked about the Atari 2600, ColecoVision, Intellivision, blah blah b;ah and just now got to the Nintendo NES. This class is also taught by Gibby so I'm not sure he knows how to make a class boring.

Success Strategies- Eject clip, insert bullet, reinsert clip, put gun to head, pull trigger. Seriously, this class sucks. It's taught by this wanna-be hippie treehugger lady. It's about "succeeding in life, work, school, and everything." We just took a crappy test to check various aspects of ourselves. Just for fun, here's mine. On a scale of 0 to 80
Accepting Personal Responibility: 72
Discovering Self Motivation: 45
Mastering Self Management: 47
Employing Interdependance: 54
Gaining Self Awarness: 75
Adapting Lifelong Learning: 61
Developing Emotional Intelligence: 38
Believing in Myself: 68
But since I'm so self aware, I already knew this crap. Yeah I'm not motivated so what. I have responsibility to not miss shit I'm not motivated to go to. Self Management included questions like do I have a writtien down plan for my life. HA. I think ppl who plan out thier lives day to day need more help than I do.Interdependance... meh. So I don't join studygroups and shit. Sue me.
Emotional Intelligence. Very dumb. Most people didn't score high in this, on which we had a debate about how we shouldn't because the life expectancy is rising so much and we shouldn't mature untl later in life. WTFE. This had questions like do you do or say things you regret when you're very angry, depressed, etc. Um... duh. Hence VERY ANGRY. But I honestly can't remember the last time I was VERY ANGRY so I just assume I wouldn't have much self control while VERY ANGRY. Damn touchy feely get in touch with you inner self crap. There is one... no two redeeming factors about this class. Unfortunatly it's too early in the morning to be remembering names. One of them is very short has brown hair and brown eyes and I think maybe some intrest in me. She could just be one of those really friendly people too but either way she's cute and I'm thinking of asking her to help me learn to snowboard. ; ) The other one is a graphic design major with tricolored hair. It didn't look like much the first day but the way she's styled it recently it actually looks pretty cool. She has a couple strikes against her though, she doesn't much like video games and she does/used to smoke pot. If it's a past habbit I'm not too concerned. Everyone does stuff in their past and even if she still does I wouldn't mind being friends with her. I would think that by the time people got to college they wouldn't need a class telling them how to live. But that brings me to my next rant.

People at my college are wierd! OMG! I understand maybe being a little twitchy or something because they play games all the time. Hell I know I'm not exactly normal from it, but jeez these are the kinda of people most of us stay away from. Like people who don't bathe or think beyond a fifth grade level except when discussing games. They just seem... wierd. I'm probably being meen but I just really don't get along with ppl if they don't act like semi normal people above the age of 7. Yeah I'm sure theirs some psycological crap involved with that but it just creeps me out. Okay. Not all of them are wierd but enough of them to bother me.

(Screw spell checking. I'm too lazy/tired. Live with the mistakes, they're all around you.)
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