Nov 04, 2005 01:55
So today was a pretty good day. Not much happened. My prog. teacher is... um... difficult. He kinda assigns things not fully knowing what he's subjecting us to sometimes and kinda expects us to learn via magic. It's fun, but I have yet to let off my streak of leaving early. It's awesome. I only have one class and when that class is only to do a few programs and then be able to leave I finish my whole day of school in a couple hours. Ha. I hope you all are very jealous. So did everyone get a story copy that wanted one? It's part of the agreement that you have to let me know once you've read it and what you think about it. Anyways MMO's consume my life. It's sad. I've been playing Coty of Villains for the last few days now and haven't much accomplished anything. I've decided there's no use being semi depressed about it. After all, how often will I get to complain that I have too much free time? So, I'm just enjoying it until it ends. speaking of. I need to go enjoy some sleep now so I'll talk to you later.