Well, compared to Aniki's day, mine has been nothing. But then again, it rarely is very exciting, which is just as good for me, thank you. What have I gotten done today? Well, I cleaned the kitchen, scrubbed the bathroom and all the laundry is washed. I need to fold the laundry, get the trash picked up and vacuum and then I think I'll call it good. This whole house cleaning thing is dull and rather..I dunno, difficult. But I never seem to be able to get things done with Aniki is here to help me, so I guess I better finish tomorrow, since he's coming home. :nod: Must fold laundry and vacuum..yep.
Still working on the mood theme, for some reason I decided to make a different icon for every single mood, so it's sort of going slowly and I've run out of creative steam on the whole thing for the moment, so it's not going to get done today. Hopefully tomorrow I can get stamps so I can send
pointytilly's MO.
Nothing else to report, my life is as dull and pointless as ever really. So I'm gonna go back to poking at thing's till I get bored and go to bed.
After I scream and rant and rave about not being able to download the rest of D.N Angel.. -_- Want anime..bad server, no cookie.