Aug 31, 2005 18:59
Well, I'm still alive and such not, I just haven't really updated recently because life is really boring and pointless and stuff, so..yeah. :nods:
Aniki is finally done being sick, so he and the Elfy can once again go job hunting, I'm fairly OKish and working on losing weight to fit into the Samurai costume I want to buy for Halloween, lose the wait and then convince Aniki that it's worth the :dies: Picked up Heroscape at Walmart a short while back and enjoy it muchly, hope to play again tonight, since I took some time to put together one of the more complicated maps.
Many thanks to my bestestestsetsetset friend Anna-chan for her wonderful late birthday I must go and buy the second volume of Clamp School Defenders: Ducklyon's..well..awesomezors and such not. :nods:
Anyway..must go and hunt down something to eat for dinner.