Please disregard this short rant.
I miss two things, when it comes to iconing:
1.) I miss the sort of joy that I had when I icon. I used to have
silma around to bother about it all the time, or other people. Now...everything seems so hollow. Everything has faded away, like Sir Walter Raleigh's The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd. Now it seems more like a chore than it does an enjoyment...but maybe it's because I'm not that good to begin with.
2.) I miss
anty_ and
ghostsinmachine, more than I can say. I was thrilled when that community was made; I have never had so much fun iconing.'s basically dead.
anty_, like many of my other iconing friends, are very busy and are never around. What I fear the most is that I'll never again have the opportunity to work with her or her brilliance when it comes to icon graphics...
silverqe said some nice things about me, which really shocked me. But, she only said anything because she wanted to reel in another contestant for her lims competition. I told her I couldn't, because lims competitions scare me and I'm no good when it comes to making icons. I wish I could get better, but it doesn't seem possible.
There are times when I feel that I should just shut this place down and stop even bothering to post things that nobody cares for anyways. Somehow, I always end up staying and putting myself through this suffering...maybe I should just go back to my writing and stay there.
Forgive me for this rant, it was a bit pointless.