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Jan 26, 2011 17:13

Tyki on Family:

It goes without saying that Tyki truly does cares about his family, even if he says he would live without certain people *cough*mainlyCyril*cough*. They are important to him, especially Road since she helped him out when Joyd first awoke. Tyki would do whatever he can to make them safe, but isn't the type of person who would admit to being protective of his family. Especially when he knows that they are more than capable of protecting themselves against any kind of danger, like Road and the Earl. Though, that really won't stop him from intervening in a fight if he catches them losing in a life-or-death situation (the only exception to this was Skinn, and for good reasons).

Though, the only person he would ever spoil immensely is Road (and now Butterfly).

However, at the same time, Tyki is at the point where he won't hesitate to betray them either. This puts him in a spot where he can be branded as a traitor any minute. The reason for this is because of his twin star, Rene. If he catches any of the family about to kill the redhead, Tyki will intervene without hesitation. Tyki's protectiveness and somewhat possessiveness of the redhead will eventually be the reason why he might (might being a really strong keyword here) betray the family.

Though, for now, Tyki will continue to stay with his family until the day whether or not he truly betrays them or not.


Tyki on Butterfly's Marriage and Pregnancy

Let's start with the easy one, hmm?

Tyki really does have mixed feelings about Butterfly marrying Cross. Don't get him wrong, he's not against it. He's just really surprised that a version of him would actually be in a relationship with that man. But, at the same time, Tyki knows that so long as Cross keeps Butterfly happy, then he has no place to intervene in their relationship. As it is, he truly is happy for his sister on deciding to settle down in this place.

Though, now for the brain-breaking part.

While he's okay with Butterfly marrying Cross, Tyki simply cannot wrap his mind around the fact that she is pregnant, and has been for almost nine weeks. It wasn't the actual fact that surprised him (ok, maybe just a little), it's more of the fact that she got pregnant in the first place. Tyki, at first, didn't believe that any version of them would be able to raise a child, simply because of what they are. Then again, Butterfly has always been full of surprises. There's also that little feeling called hurt since Butterfly didn't tell him before, but Tyki's not going to let it show. But really, the main brain-breaking part of the whole pregnancy situation is that it's Cross' child (yes, he has a few issues with Cross in general). A part of him is thinking that Butterfly is marrying Cross because of the pregnancy, but the other part doesn't really know how to react to this.

One thing's for sure though, Tyki's happy for her, even if he does have a few doubts. But he's not the man who would let those doubts ruin one of the best friendships ever. Butterfly's full of surprises and who knows, she just might prove him wrong.

Tyki on Rene/Lavi (arebornstar):

There are way too many complicated feelings when it comes to the redhead. Most of them originally come from the complication of actually accepting the Bookman as his twin star. Tyki didn’t want Lavi as his twin star - mostly because he doesn’t want to face the possibility that the redhead will eventually break the bond. No, it was more like because he can’t face the pain that will follow if the bond breaks for good. Though, the Noah can’t deny the fact that he has been watching over Rene ever since the redhead was born.

It wasn’t because Tyki wanted to do it out of his free will - far from it. It was more like because Tyki made a promise to Lavi’s mother before she died that he will do anything to keep her son safe, and watch over him just in case anything ever happens. Though, when Bookman adopted the redhead, Tyki remained at a distance away that he won’t be noticed by the old man before focusing on trying to keep a distance from Lavi. He knew plenty about the Bookman clan after running into the old man several times before and after hearing about them from Rhode. Unfortunately, it was around this time that Tyki began to smoke and drink - mostly to block out that urge to track Lavi down to make sure that he’s alright. It worked for the most part until Tyki began to get nightmares (but that’s a topic for another time).

Due to this, Tyki began to seek out women that looks like his twin star in some way - whether it’d be the same shade of red hair or green eyes. Though, sometimes, Tyki ended up killing some of the women he’s been with if only because the urge to kill got too strong.

As it is though, Tyki managed to ignore the bond for years until he met the redhead again in China. From there, the Noah of Pleasure knew for sure that he can’t try to deny it any longer. After all, after meeting Lavi once more, Joyd got loud and Tyki knew that they would keep meeting up with each other more now that he knew for sure that they were on opposing sides. So, he settled for the next best thing: Make Lavi hate him enough to want to kill him by taunting him endlessly. Tyki didn’t mind it if Lavi hates him - although, Joyd certainly did have something to say about it. After all, Lavi belongs to them and he should be by their side, not the Order’s. Though, Tyki did do a damn good job of holding the Memory back.

But the urge to protect Lavi got strong when he witnessed Rhode playing with the redhead. Though, being the person (a.k.a idiot) that he is, Tyki got himself stabbed by Allen instead - a part of him thinking that it’d be easier if he died so that Lavi didn’t have to face the choice of whether or not to accept the bond. Of course, this only forced Joyd to come out, but that’s not entirely important at the moment.

After that event, Tyki spent his time trying to forget what happened on the Ark while spending time at Cyril’s house - though, this soon led to his arrival to the Dressing Room. There, Tyki was actually pleased to know that the Lavi he’s familiar with wasn’t there. That way, he didn’t have to worry about the redhead. Of course, a while later, Lavi soon arrived in the Dressing Room. Tyki remained to stay a distance away from the redhead - choosing to spend time with Kanda, ‘Tias, Butterfly, and Poppet instead. Another reason is because Tyki doesn’t want to risk the chance of running into the Kanda from his world as well.

However, this changed after Tyki and Lavi came back from their world (though, at different times). Tyki still hasn’t willingly gone out of his way to check up on Lavi - choosing to have his Tease be a messenger instead if something went wrong with the Bookman. Slowly, Tyki’s protectiveness over the redhead became more obvious after Lavi came back to the Dressing Room with the Fiddler’s parasites inside of him. Of course, this made the Noah of Pleasure make himself a little promise to hurt Fiddler for putting those damn parasites inside of the redhead.

Tyki...loves Lavi, accepting the bond the moment he was stabbed by Allen in the Ark, but he won’t force the redhead to do anything. He won’t force Lavi to accept the bond, only choosing to let Lavi to decide if whether or not he wants to accept it.
Tyki on Mystery Woman:

Needless to say, Tyki’s really interested in the woman that haunts his dreams daily - even when he tries to forget about it. That is to say, there’s just something about the woman that makes Tyki long for her whenever he begins to hallucinate and whenever he wakes up from a dream that has her in it. He doesn’t know who the woman is, but lately, he has been able to see her face more clearly. And what he sees gives him a ping of familiarity. Tyki didn’t need the Apocryphos to let him know that the woman was important to him somehow - almost as important Rene is to him right now. This makes Tyki worry and now he’s even more curious about who she is, even going to meet with the Kanda from his world to get some answers.

The moment he heard ‘Daisya’, Tyki felt something through his bond. Longing. Sadness. Regret. All emotions that weren’t coming off of Lavi and he’s not sure if those emotions belong to him or not. Either way, it alarmed Tyki to an extent that it made him research the Exorcist that he killed in Barcelona. It wasn’t something that Tyki was able to forget so easily, after all.

Now, truth be told, Tyki wouldn’t have even given the woman much thought if it weren’t for the fact that the kiss the Apocryphos had forced upon him when he was walled. The kiss just triggered something in his memories - and not in a good way. Something just triggered in his head, and Tyki soon became restless. He was beginning to lose sleep because she was still in his dreams and he didn’t want to wake up with a neglected longing, with tears in his eyes, and with the desire to go off to find her. A part of him - perhaps Joyd - knew that even if he did look for her, the woman wouldn’t be anywhere. He should be focusing on Rene instead, but Tyki can’t deny the fact that he wants to see the woman even more than he wants to see the redhead.

Though, Tyki does try to make sure to keep his research discreet. He doesn’t want anyone to know about the research (though only Kanda seems to know now) - mostly because he doesn’t want anyone to find out what was going on. If there was one major downside to wanting to know more about the woman, it was the fact that Tyki’s bond with Rene is numb. It’s not...numb as in the way Tyki’s rejecting the bond - they can still feel each other’s emotions - but Tyki made it so that Rene wouldn’t be able to feel his emotions so easily, especially when it concerns the times when he wakes up from his nightmares and when he’s researching about her.

So far, all Tyki can piece together about the woman is that she shares similar physical features to Daisya and that she was - probably still is - important to him.

!mun, ¤ essay, ⋈ star (teasingstar), → dgmdressroom

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