Canon Drabble

Jan 11, 2011 20:36

"Oh, great. It's you guys," Deke sighed as he caught sight of a familiar man and his guards enter the room.

Leverrier shot the redhead a look, but Deke merely stared back at him calmly. The Watcher asked, "Why are you here?"

"That's none of your concern now is it, Junior?" Leverrier retorted.

The redhead's eye narrowed at the nickname before tugging on the cuffs around his wrists experimentally. He replied, "It has everything to do with me if you plan on keeping me prisoner here in the Vatican, Hitler-wannabe."

Leverrier twitched at that, glaring at the redhead but Deke smirked at him.

"You should learn to respect your elders, boy."

"Funny, I could say the same to you," the redhead retorted. Though, his eye widened when he felt something snap around his neck. Deke doubled over when he felt a sharp pain spread throughout his body, placing his hands on the wall to steady himself. He growled, looking over at Leverrier to see him smirking smugly.

Deke asked, "What's all of this for?"

"Let's say, the Vatican is interested about this war you and all of your other friends are fighting in. And so, I had a dream that someone told me that there was one of the fighters who possessed every single memory that occurred in the past centuries."

The Watcher immediately stiffened, staring at Leverrier in horror. Leverrier smiled at him.

"That's correct, Deke. Your goddess has suggested you."

Deke growled at that, tugging on the cuffs and hating the fact that a chain was attached to it. He glared at him. "Where are Allen and Kanda?"

"Currently detained like you, but they are in no danger of having their memories looked through like yours."

"Oh gee. I feel lucky," Deke remarked sarcastically.

Leverrier chuckled at that and smirked. "You should. I'll be back soon, but in the meantime," he turned to the Crows. "Get him ready."

"Ready for what--" The redhead's eye widened as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. He faintly felt one of the Crows steadying him and something attached to the collar. Deke breathed heavily, feeling dizzy as the pain began to numb. The Crow helped him over to one of the chairs in the room.

"Have a good rest," Deke heard Leverrier say before he and the Crows left the room.

"I'm assuming everything was a success?" the old man asked he looked up as the redhead entered the room, lowering the hood off of his head.

Kalin looked at George and scoffed. He answered, "The next time you plan on sending me to Ilya's place, be sure to tell me that Serena's there too."

George shrugged and retorted, "You're still alive, aren't you?"

The redhead scowled, walking over to the balcony as he took out a carton of cigarettes from his pocket. He took out a cigarette before looking over his shoulder when he heard the old man take out the scroll. Kalin asked, "Is that what you wanted?"

George nodded before looking back over at the redhead, noticing that Kalin just lit the cigarette and was now leaning against the banister of the balcony. He replied, "It's necessary for the war. You know the secrets this scroll contains. I'm sure you looked at it before handing it over to me."

Kalin looked over at him. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He looked away, placing the cigarette in his mouth as he looked up at the sky. "We need to protect the Heart."

"My, the Heart. It's the first I've ever heard of it," Leverrier mused as he looked at Deke who was sitting still on a chair, breathing heavily. The redhead didn't reply; instead, he coughed out blood as the collar around his neck tightened. When it loosened, Deke looked up at the man, glaring at him.

Leverrier smirked. "Are you going to tell us what the Heart is, or do we have to forcefully bring up another memory?"

The redhead kept quiet, continuing to glare at him. Leverrier chuckled.

"Alright, let's have it your way."

Deke's eye widened as pain spread throughout his body and he gritted his teeth, holding back a scream. Blood ran down from his wrists as he struggled against his binds, wanting to get away from the pain that was overtaking him.

Leverrier watched as the redhead eventually went limp and another memory began to show itself. His eyes narrowed when he realized that the memory was blurry and blacked out. He looked at the Watcher. "How interesting. It would seem he still has a lot of power if he can still block out memories in this kind of state." Leverrier grinned. "It should be fun breaking him down."

♢ canon update, † deke (recordsfire), → dgmdressroom

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