Drabbles Galore!

Dec 28, 2010 16:29

#01 - Ring (Deke)

It was no surprise that one of Deke's most treasured possessions would be a ring - the one he would always wear around his left ring finger. To him, it brings back memories of the time he first received it.

#02 - Hero (Ragnarok!Allen)

Everyone needed a hero, there was no doubt about that. And Allen's no exception, for the person he deems as his hero is the man that was always by his side.

#03 - Memory (Teasing)

Tyki always hated his Memory, but he supposed that it was better than having Bonds or Desire.

#04 - Box (Antichrist and Good Omens!Lavi)

"Allen, why are you in a box?"

"Because it's fun!"

"But you do know that it's----BLESS IT!"

Allen grinned as the angel began to run down the hall with a giant box-like dinosaur ran after him.

#05 - Run (Zehel/Blake)

"Remember Blake~ You can't always run forever!"

#06 - Hurricane (Teasing)

Tyki always loved being out in the rain, especially during a hurricane. It eases his mind while the rain presses down on him, getting rid of the troubles that plague his mind.

#07 - Wings (Lavi/Allenpire)

Lavi never liked his wings. To him, it's a reminder that he's still connected to his Father, but whenever he feels Allen touch them as though it's fragile, the redhead finds that having wiings couldn't be that bad.

#08 - Cold (Atticus)

Atticus had always loved the cold, even when he was younger, but he soon found that even though he loved the cold, he began to love the warmth as well.

#09 - Red (Blake)

He couldn't remember how it happened, but Blake soon found himself covered in the crimson red blood that once belonged to the woman he had loved so dearly.

#10 - Drink (Teasing + Butterfly)

"Come now, Butterfly. What do you say we get a drink?"

A smirk. "You know I could never say no to that."

#11 - Midnight (Bartender!Allen)

When it's midnight, Allen closes the club and with Lenalee's help, they bring Lavi to one of the love seats where he could rest from drinking so much.

#12 - Temptation (Danny/Deke)

"Oi, I told ya ta get off o'me!"

"Sorry sweetheart, but you're simply too tempting ta resist~"

#13 - View (Atticus)

Atticus had to admit - when he first saw Miranda lying on one of the hospital beds with a newborn cradled in her arms, it was one of the most precious sights he had ever laid his eyes upon.

#14 - Music (Ragnarok!Allen)

Admittedly, Allen never gave music much thought; it was just something that people seemed to make a big fuss, but he had to admit that when he first played a song on the piano, he began to appreciate music more.

#15 - Silk (Jason)

Jason just stared blankly at the new bed sheets that the Dressing Room had given him, and felt his eye twitch. Why the hell did it have to give him silk of all things?

#16 - Cover (Atticus)

'Lavi' was just a cover - an empty shell that shouldn't have become too attached to the ink - but then, why did he suddenly find himself wishing that it wasn't just a cover anymore?

#17 - Promise (Neah)

A long time ago, Neah promised that he would do anything to make his wife happy, but after finding out that he was falling in love with someone else, he realized that he had broken that promise.

#18 - Dream (Bookman!Road)

In her sleep, Road sees visions - visions of two people in a beautiful garden, laughing and playing without a care in the world, and when she's awake, she could feel her heart aching.

#19 - Candle

Their will to fight is like a candle. How much longer can they continue to do this before the flame goes out?

#20 - Talent (Teasing)

When Cyril forced him to learn how to play the violin, Tyki resisted at first before he found out that he had a talent for playing the damn thing.

#21 - Silence (Deke)

Deke would prefer the usual taunts, the attempts of flirting, even the bitter remarks - anything but this deafening silence.

#22 - Journey (Rangarok!Allen)

It was hard, he knew, but Allen was relieved to know that he wouldn't have to partake this journey alone.

#23 - Fire (Jason)

Many people were afraid of fire, but for Jason, it wasn't something to be afraid of - it was a necessity for his survival.

#24 - Strength (Blake)

Blake never needed to rely on anyone from the moment he became a demon, but as the days passed and the demon inside is beginning to get louder, he knew that the friends he has now is his only strength - his hope - to ensure that Zehel would stay asleep.

#25 - Mask (Teasing)

For years, Tyki wore the mask of a womanizer, but the moment he felt his soul being tugged, he knew that it was time for the mask to come off.

#26 - Ice (Atticus)

His heart was surrounded by ice, and he was content on letting it stay that way, but Atticus was surprised when Joyd became determined to melt that frozen barrier.

#27 - Fall (Jason)

All he could remember of the battle was the burning pain that surrounded him as he fell to the wasteland.

#28 - Forgotten (Deke + Danny)

"Will he remember?"

Green eyes glanced up before he sighed, looking down at the man lying on the bed. "No, and he never will."

"So the memory of that day is gone."

The redhead nodded and he turned to walk away. "And it'll forever be forgotten."

"Glad to hear it."

#29 - Dance (Ragnarok!Allen)

Fighting was like a dance, and Allen would prefer this over the actual ballroom dancing any day.

#30 - Body (Tyki/Allen)

"Oi, lad, let me see the wound before it gets infected," Tyki sighed.

Allen grumbled, looking up at Tyki. After seeing the reassuring look on his face, the younger man released an irritated huff before taking off his shirt, revealing a slash across his stomach.

Tyki whistled. "Nice body, lad."


#31 - Sacred (Ragnarok!Allen)

The Innocence Heart was sacred, everyone knew that, but Allen hopes that everyone would just realize that their own lives were just as precious.

#32 - Farewells (Blake)

Saying goodbye never hurt as much as it did now.

#33 - World (Teasing)

"You know, if it there were more people like you and days like this, the world would be a much better place," Tyki mused aloud.

#34 - Formal (Deke)

There were many things Deke tolerated, parties being one of them, but he would forever hate dressing up formally because Cross hates people dress dirty for one of his "dinner parties."

#35 - Fever (Teasing)

"I would love to know how you got a fever like this," Tyki remarked as he looked down at Road.

Road pouted at him. "I was playing in the garden when it decided to rain. It's not my fault!"

"Love, somehow it's always your fault."

#36 - Laugh (Antichrist + Good Omens!Lavi)

"Allen! Get down from there!" Lavi yelled as he looked up at the tyke who was standing on top of a T-Rex's head.

All Allen did was laugh without a care in the world.

#37 - Lies (Blake)

Lying was easy, especially for a demon like Blake, but he began to realize that he didn't want to lie anymore - at least, not to the people he cared about the most.

#38 = Forever (Lavi)

Living forever was hard, Lavi knew that more than anyone, and sometimes he wished that this eternity will end.

#39 - Overwhelmed

It's only a matter of time before all of them finally allow the weariness to engulf them as they continue to fight.

#40 - Whisper (Teasing)

Sometimes in the dead of night, all Tyki can hear are whispers in the back of his mind, telling him to possess what truly belongs to him.

#41 - Wait (Zehel)

Zehel knew that it would only be a matter of time. All he had to do is be patient until Blake finally snaps.

#42 - Talk (Teasing + Butterfly)

They didn't have to talk to fill the silences between them; it was much more simpler and content by just being in each other's presence.

#43 - Search (Teasing)

For a long time, Tyki has been searching for his twin star after the great flood, what he didn't realize was that his twin star was in front of him the whole time.

#44 - Hope (Deke)

Deke knew that there was never any hope as long as they continued to fight, but that didn't mean he couldn't believe in it.

#45 - Eclipse (Teasing)

Tyki always enjoyed watching an eclipse; there was just something about it that put him at ease.

#46 - Gravity (Ragnarok!Allen)

"....Neah, why are you hanging upside down on the ceiling?"

A smile. "I'm trying to find a way to defy gravi--" He was abruptly cut off when he suddenly crashed onto the ground.

Allen sighed. "Only person who can defy gravity is Tyki, and you know that. So stop being an idiot."

"You're so cold to your uncle, Allen."

"Oh well."

#47 - Highway

Love is like a broken highway - filled with bumps and craters that appear out of nowhere - but sometimes, it's worth it when you reach the end.

#48 - Unknown (Allen and Tyki)

"Um...what was--"

"Lad, I think it's easier if we just leave the strange thing on its own."

#49 - Lock (Danny/Deke)

"Lavi! Unlock this door!" Deke yelled, tugging on the door.

He blinked when the door suddenly opened and he fell out -- into a pair of arms. Deke blushed, looking up to see Tyki smirking down at him ."Sweetheart, you do realize that you could have simply pushed the door open, don't you? Unless you purposely pretended to lock yourself in so that I can find you."

The Watcher growled. "Don't delude yourself, Tyki."

#50 - Breathe (Ragnarok!Allen)

As long as he could breathe, there was no way Allen was going to lose this war without a fight.

¤ drabble, !mun

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