♘ Head Canon ♘

Dec 22, 2010 13:51

1. He is actually considering becoming an angel again, but then he'll be bounded to God's laws again. Doesn't like that.
2. Actually likes it in the Dressing Room. Much more better than his world.
3. Can be a bit too affectionate towards people he considers his friend.
4. Lavi is afraid of spiders. And beatles. Any sorts of bugs really.
5. If he uses too much of his powers, he will become more and more like a human.
6. Not on good terms with the Archangels, really
7. Used to be considered to be one of the most loyal angels in Heaven, until he decided to Fall.
8. Finds the Apocalypse stupid. Really. He thinks that Lucifer and God could settle it in another way.
9. Will not take kindly to anyone who even dares to think about tearing his wings out. It will hurt, and he will kill them. No joke.
10. He has a scar on his right shoulder. A scar he received from one of the Arcs when he chose to Fall.

11. Really, really hates entering a church. All he'll hear is His voice.
12. Doesn't like having his wings pulled out. It fucking hurts >|
13. Sometimes, he ends up reverting back to his old self. Only for a brief time.
14. This only occurs whenever he's practicing spells that requires a great deal of concentration.
15. His wings are a source of power. If they're torn out, his powers are weakened.
16. Lavi has his own personal library that he keeps sealed off from others.
17. Still has the scars from where Tyki (pleasurestease) ripped out his wings :|a It never healed.
18. Has taken the habit of sleeping in the daytime, but he'd still stay up all nights unless Allen decides to force him to sleep.
19. He rather enjoys dancing. A lot, actually. But it's not really something he'd do unless the occasion calls for it.
20. Keeps a lot of spell books around in the DR.

21. His eye wasn't always green. It was a hazel color, but only his left eye turned green after he Fell.
22. That said, his right eye is the sole connection that he has to God.
23. Often finds himself avoiding looking mirrors if he can. Do not want to look at his reflection.
24. Has taken the habit of taking walks late at night, just to clear his mind.
25. Sometimes, he'd go out to a chapel in the Dressing Room just to stare up at the cross that's hanging.
26. Lavi can read auras, whether or not a person is dead or alive.
27. Not at all reluctant to tell people what he is, so long as they don't try to rip out his wings :|
28. Likes going back to the room with the bubbles, just to mess around.
29. Formerly known as an Angel of Death because he was always there when someone dies.
30. Likes cheesecake 8D That's one thing you can't stop him from eating.

¤ headcanon, → dgmdressroom, ♘ angel (heartsbook)

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