‡ Head Canon ‡

Dec 22, 2010 13:02

1. Was former lovers with his Allen, but won't ever admit it
2. Is actually quite fond of humans, and won't make contracts unless that person's really desperate, or if he needs souls
3. He likes anything sweet. Seriously.
4. Hates vampires (actually, just one vampire really)
5. Likes having a babe. It makes him feel human again.
6. Really hates Innocence, and Dark Matter. Especially after what had just happened to him.
7. Doesn't like hospitals. Mostly because he hates the white walls, smell of disinfectant, and needles. Especially needles.
8. Has a scar on his collarbone now.
9. Pretty neutral. (Will help out the Noah secretly if it benefits him in some way)
10. Enjoys messing with other supernaturals all too much. Especially vampires and shapeshifters.

1. † If vampires drink demon blood, it can tend to make them...aggressive.
2. † He loves being a father. It's something that actually makes him feel as though he's really human, even though he knows that having Avari is only temporary.
3. † His real name is Blake and he casted that name away a long time ago. So far, only three people knows this name.
4. † The demon has actually grown fond of some of the people here in the DR, but will never admit he cares about them.
5. † His right eye - before it was taken away from him - was red. In his world, red eyes are known as an omen of death.
6. † Lavi will never truly trust anyone because he knows what it feels like to have that trust betrayed.
7. † He knows almost every language except for some. Never actually bothered learning Russian, Arabic, and Indonesian.
8. † When he was a human, Lavi knows spells that was taught to him by the demon Allen. These spells are somewhat similar to the Crow spells without the use of talismans.
9. † Can never get drunk .___. Unless, you know, he drinks for a long time.
10. † Never really liked lullabies, but does enjoy poems and recites them to Avari to get her to sleep sometimes.

‡ He actually does have a hellhound, but he rarely summons it
‡ Hates drinking tea and coffee. But he'll put up with drinking tea if he has to.
‡ Although he can stand vampires, the demon hates werewolves.
‡ As a kid, when he was human, Lavi was able to play the violin, but now he's not sure if he can still play it.
‡ Gets overprotective of the people he cares about, especially when it concerns the angel, Hobollen, his Allen, and Avari.
‡ If called by his true name and given an order, Lavi has no choice but to do what the person asked.
‡ Lavi's secretly worried about Avari, mostly because her powers are beginning to develop.
‡ While he's still annoyed that Hobollen had turned into a vampire, Lavi never planned on confronting Vampvi.
‡ He doesn't have one room in the DR. Ever since the slendearl incident, the demon constantly switches to different rooms. Currently, he's staying in a room in the East wing.
‡ The demon loves eating ice cream. Don't ask, he just does.

‡ Has a crazy, possessive, and violent inner demon named Zehel. And truth be told, Blake hates him; all he wants is to have the demon go back to sleep. Forever.
‡ Is truly terrified that he'll end up hurting his friends one day; if it's through Zehel's hands or his, Blake just knows he can't stand hurting them.
‡ He says he stole something from Lucifer, but he actually didn't. It's just to see how others would react.
‡ Doesn't sleep anymore. Not unless the angel (earthlyvirtue) drags him to bed.
‡ Spends much of his time up on rafters, sort of hoping he'd run into Allen (selfdeluded) again.
‡ He has the tendency to use his powers and makes it take the shape of an animal to entertain Avari. Mostly butterflies and birds.
‡ Trusts only a few people in the DR. Everyone else, not so much. The only people he trusts are the angel and Stork!Tyki. Trusts Ehan too to an extent.
‡ He's taken the habit of going into huge gardens where he'll just sit in for days, playing with Avari.
‡ Doesn't really enjoy being touched anymore. Not when it involves actual skin contact. (only exceptions? The angel and Tyki :|a)
‡ Began to play the violin again, if only because it helps put Avari to sleep. Though, he's practicing again just to get better.

¤ headcanon, ‡ blake (demonshistory), → dgmdressroom

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