[Relationship Meme] → Mikki's muses

Oct 09, 2010 20:34

Blake on Chase:
It hasn't exactly changed, honestly. The demon still finds the Crow to be interesting, and to be honest, what attracts Blake to the Crow is his soul. He still trusts him to take care of Avari sometimes.

Blake on Angel:
You're his bff and he would do anything for you. The angel's the most important thing to Blake, aside from Avari and Hobollen, of course. It was a surprise to be best friends with an angel version of himself, honestly, but Blake doesn't mind it at all. If he had to choose between being his duties as a demon or the angel, he would most definitely choose the angel. Hell, he'll fight Lucifer if he had to. He would most definitely lie having feelings for him, however, because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Blake would rather prefer having the angel's friendship than anything.

Deke on Tykikitty:
Deke...seriously doesn't know what to think of him, honestly, since the two of them had only talked twice but if he had to be honest, Deke doesn't mind the guy's company at all. It's rather nice, actually, to talk to a Tyki without the guy trying to maim him or something. He was surprised that Tyki did call him by his name instead of 'Dolittle' but Deke's glad that he didn't get the nickname. Though, Deke figured he made Tyki uncomfortable since the redhead could understand the cat when he was a panther. He's fun, though, and Deke finds it adorable that Kera likes the cat so much.

Deke on Angel:
He adores you, dude ♥ Deke really does like being around the angel and guess what? He's family now. The Watcher would probably do anything for him and help him out if the angel needed anything at all. It's nice to have someone else to hang around with if Deke needed someone to talk to. The angel has a calming aura and to be honest, Deke feels like he can tell him anything. He does appreciate that the angel looking out for him, even by giving him a feather to call on should anything happen. However, Deke doesn't want to bother the angel and would probably call him at the last minute. Otherwise, should the angel find himself turned into a girl again, Deke would be happy to help him out.

Deke on Allenpire:
You're probably the first Allen he has ever befriended :|a but you know what, he likes the bb!vamp. Deke doesn't mind the guy's company at all, and enjoys talking to him. Heck, the guy will probably just seek him out more just to hang out with Allenpire. The redhead's not afraid of having Allen bite him though, if only because he knows that Allen has self-control and should he even lose it, if it's to help him out, it's fine with him. Other than that, you're definitely going up on is his Friends' List~

Atticus on Joyd:
Joyd is probably Atticus' only good friend in the Dressing Room, and he doesn't mind it. The guy is definitely becoming one of the Bookman's important people (with Salvation!Allen being the second and his Miranda the first), which means that Atticus will go through hell for him if needed. Atticus doesn't mind translating for him, enjoying his company even. Even when Joyd has the Tease now, the guy will still come around and check up on him to see if he's doing all right. Although, Atticus hates making Joyd worry, and he knows that if he told the gypsy that he's slowly losing his sight, the guy will become even more worried and might even try to lead him around. Atticus would appreciate that, but he hates being treated like a kid. Otherwise, Joyd's slowly becoming more and more of his best friend.

Atticus on Nevan:
Truth be told, he doesn't have an actual opinion Nevan, but he knows that there's something wrong with the assassin, especially if it concerned his family. However, the Bookman knows better than to pry. He does like him though, if only because they share the same liking for falconry.

Jason on Tykikitty:
There's a lot of emotions going through the phoenix's mind just by the mention of the cat. He's torn though, because the phoenix knows, knows that he's in love with the cat. Jason hates it when Tyki beats himself up when he wasn't able to protect him, especially because he knows that it was Jason's own Tyki that did it to him. But the phoenix doesn't want the cat to risk his life for him because he believes that he isn't worth killing over. Ever since he told the cat his true name, Jason became more confused about his feelings for the cat. He does trust the cat, probably more than anyone in the Dressing Room. However, he hates it that he's hurting him though whenever the cat holds him, due to the Innocence from his back. Whenever he finds out that Tyki's been hanging around 'bright eye' or 'scalpel', a flare of jealousy ignites in the Bookman, but he keeps it to himself because he simply can't bring himself to tell the cat that. After all, it's not as if he owns the cat. It's simply because of Tyki that Jason is going against everything he worked hard for, just so that he can allow himself to have someone actually care about him without the worry of the consequences. Despite how he feels about the cat, however, the phoenix can't tell him that he loves him, worried that the cat might not feel the same way, even if Tyki's affectionate with him. In his mind though, Jason's unsure if he wants anything intimate to happen between them unless a push is given.

Jason on Firebug:
Not much has changed, really. Jason still sees Firebug as a younger brother that he'll help out, and glad that he's the only other person willing to deal with his grumpiness.

Yuli on Nevan:
You're her idiot student, partner, comrade, and as much as she hates to admit it, her closest friend. Yuli had only a few friends in the Order (that being Lenalee, Daisya, and Marie), but somehow, Nevan had made everything better. She does care about him, even if it is usually shown in a grumpy kind of way and cruel remarks. She'd be lying if she didn't say that she come to treasure him as a precious comrade, because he is. Despite his annoying antics, he's someone Yuli can relate to, even though he teases her most of the time. She's secretly heartbroken, knowing that one day he'll leave, and that's the main reason why Kanda has resorted to being the way she is towards him - because she just can't deal with knowing that he'll leave one day. Kanda sometimes wished that Lavi had never became her student, but she also wished that he was no longer a Bookman, because maybe things could work out. Yet, Kanda refuses to admit that she holds any feelings for the "stupid rabbit".

Angel on Allenpire:
He loves you, cares about you, adores you, and treasures you more than anything or anyone; including his own life. The angel would do absolutely anything for the bb!vamp as long as it would mean that he would be safe. It's simply because he loves Allenpire that the angel would gladly go against both Heaven and Hell. There's no real explanation as to why the angel had fallen for him, but he's glad that he did. It doesn't matter that Allen's a vampire, or that his brother is someone that looks like him (which would call for some awkwardness), all that matters is how the angel feels about him and vice versa. However, it's because of this that Lavi has to get away from the vampire, even for a little while, because the fallen angel knows that he's slowly starting to lose it and he doesn't want to risk the chance of smiting Allen. The only thing that Lavi hates more than anything when it concerns the vampire is seeing him upset - and scared because of him. So, he'd do absolutely anything to make himself get better so that he can be with Allen without worrying the vampire. It's a selfish love - or a selfless love - but there's one thing Lavi's sure about: Allen means everything to him.

Angel on Gabe:
Gabriel is actually fun to be around with and to be quite honest, Lavi feels comfortable around the Arc. He knows that Gabriel is going through a lot, but the fallen angel is there to help the guy out with anything. Even if it is just sparring with him. The Arc is one of his friends here in the Dressing Room and Lavi wouldn't have it any other way. He would probably go to the Arc if he had any troubles of his own, even though he would most likely just change the topic seconds after. Gabriel is someone Lavi can relate to. And he really wants to help him out more than anything.

Angel on Twin:
I-It's a surprise seeing a version of him that's an angel too, at least, a full-fledged angel. But the fallen angel can't help but tease him about his "twin's" relationship with demon!Tyki. However, the fallen angel certainly mind getting to know him more should he be given the chance.

Alec (cursedbooks) on Chase:
The Crow is certainly strange, but he isn't a bad guy, or at least, Alec seems to think so. He has a cute daughter, and while the cursed redhead still finds it hard to believe a version of him has a baby, it's rather...a relief to see this version of him being a father. The Crow certainly is helpful but Alec isn't too keen on seeking him out, mostly because he can sense those talismans on him and while they may not be the same powers that the cursed is familiar with, it certainly makes him cautious. But if he ever ran into the guy, Alec wouldn't mind keeping him company.

† deke (recordsfire), δ atticus (salvationsnox), !relationships, !mun, ✘ jason (darkforsaken), ¤ meme, → dgmdressroom, ‡ blake (demonshistory), ♘ angel (heartsbook), ψ alec (cursedbooks)

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