♪ I'm doing all that I can to keep this beast restrained ♪

Oct 02, 2010 18:45

The child without a name grew up to be the hand

It all started with a boy. A boy who suffered for three years while trying to keep back the monster that was inside of him; a monster that was slowly winning.

"You can't resist me much longer, boy~."

For three years, the boy tried to hold back the beast who kept trying to come out. He couldn't let him win. For three years, the boy's mind slowly began to deteriorate as the beast started to win this mental struggle. How much longer could he resist?

To watch you, to shield you, or kill on demand

The beast took over, but only when the boy was tired. He became the new Earl; the one who started the Sacred War all over again. The beast lived on while taking the boy's identity as his own. Two minds; two identities; all melded together in a single body. A body that was slowly dying from the Innocence and the Dark Matter within him.

The boy continued to resist so that the beast would give up. But even he knows that it's useless. The beast was stronger than him. Much stronger than the boy had thought.

"Sleep, child, and let me take over."

It was a purr; a promise of bliss. Yet, the boy would not succumb to that voice. To the empty promises the voice had made. He was supposed to be the protector. The warrior. The fighter that had won the first war.

But his shields are slowly breaking....

The choice he'd made, he could not comprehend

For his friends' safety, the boy left. He needed to get away; to not have his friends suffer as well.

But was that the right choice?

"This is the wrong choice, boy. It would be easier if you just let me take over."

He ended up suffering while trying to keep the beast restrained. Everything was slowly becoming hell for him. The boy wanted a release to this agony, but the only release he'll get is to let the beast win. He couldn't let that happen.

This was a choice that he had made, and a choice he must see through.

He must find a way to kill the beast within him.

His blood a grim secret, they had to command

"How much longer can you resist, boy? How much longer can you keep me at bay?"

For three years, the boy had gone through this pain. A pain no one should suffer. The boy was giving up.

But when he thinks about his friends; seeing their smiles again, the boy did the one thing he could do.

Even if the beast takes over his body when he's most vulnerable, the boy will not give up. He has to keep doing the one thing he can. The one thing he knows that only he can do.

He continued to fight.

Music used: Hand of Sorrow by Within Temptation

♬ corrupteenth (corruptmelody), ξ history, → dgmdressroom

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