Oct 07, 2006 19:22
Hung out with Ohrt, Jenna, Adam, and some sweet band kids.
Everyone backed out except Gill (my rival!)
I love him, I had so much fun and Im so glad we still went and had a hilarious time.
SOME people had legit excuses,
Its cool when Im only home for two days and best friends back out to... sleep.
Watched the game last night with a huge group of family, it was awesome.
I miss watching the Tigers with my dad- it was our thing for years.
It was an amazing game, Im so excited to crush the A's on Tuesday!
Ive found that my last few trips home, I get the most joy out of seeing family. The ones who write me and email and I stay in contact most- those are the people who truly care. I am perfectly content spending two days watching baseball with my dad, baking with my mom, and hanging out wit Joe and Chrissy. It means so much.
Drove back to CMU at about 4:30 this morning- had to work at 8... very creepy dark roads.
As for buying the church, Open the Door was today-
$26,000 in donations came in. I almost cried.
We are now at $125,000 out of $250,000! God works in awesome ways.
Life is great, otherwise. My brother has been... not healthy. Something with his heart. Not good. Church is amazing. Classes are classes. Roommates are awesome, I love these girls. CMU's homecoming is this weekend. Im not mentally ready for all the marching and performing we have to do.
Im going to New Orleans for mission work for almost a week over Thanksgiving.
For spring break, I will either be in New Orleans again, or in Panama City doing "Beach Reach" mission work.
Well, hope everyone had safe travels this weekend.... later.