(no subject)

Sep 01, 2002 01:39

Well, then, here I am.

No doubt my peers and colleagues, and perhaps a few pupils, are wondering why I chose to make my debut to this little project of Dumbledore’s at such an exceedingly late date. I have even heard it the preposterous supposition that my prolonged absence from participation was due to my being so caught up in my work that I was unaware such a project was even in existence.

However accurate such assumptions may be, I, to quote another much wittier pen, deserve neither such praise nor such censure: it was not ineffectualness which kept me away from the pages of this very fascinating journal, which I have been reading with great interest these many months; it was professional integrity.

Allow me to explain further what I mean, since some of you, I have no doubt, are unenlightened about what goes on in my classroom. It is my practice as a teacher to school my pupils in the art of structuring their lives so that they may live more harmoniously with the natural laws of Magic, Mother Gaia, and their own Destinies. There exists no clearer nor more practical, tried and true method of ordering the world than with the incalculable logic and infallibility afforded to us by numbers. Numbers have enabled men to shape their world for echelons: since the first astronomers charted the skies and the first navigators mapped their courses by the heavens; since Pythagorus first received the epiphany of the Golden Mean.

Numbers enable us to analyse the magic within and around us, yet while the world around us remains ever in flux, the immutable numbers which allow us to define the dynamics or that world do not. Thus Arithmancy requires a rigidity of conformity that few magical disciplines ask for: and thus, as a teacher of that discipline, it would have been not only a grievous personal error, but a blatant hypocrisy, had I chosen to begin such a significant venture as this community journal, on any other occasion but the current.

The month of September, as all my students ought to know, is a highly potent one in terms of the Numerological Hierachy. Because of the way the epicyclical system falls September, as the 9th month of the year, will always reflect a monthly value that is equivalent to that of each individual’s yearly cyclical value. For the slower among you let me again explain that this is simple math: 9 plus any number will always reduce down to that original number. Because of this mathematical rule the universal harmony of September is often a very vibrant one, with individual personalities clashing with or complementing one another in very striking ways. It was in September that William the Conqueror invaded this happy isle and so shaped our destiny forever; it was in September that our war with America came to an end; it was also in September that the Second World War began. Half of all the assassination attempts on the lives of American presidents (there have been 8 total) have occurred in September, not to mention Aaron Burr’s now infamous duel with Alexander Hamilton.

Clearly the unusual intensity of September, the month, upon the lives of each of us is something that must be taken into careful consideration when mapping out the course of our daily and monthly activities. If, for instance, I planned to be in a bad mood, it would well behove me to remember not to be in a bad mood on days that also corresponded with the numerological value of the current year, since those values would be intensified by the month of September. It would also pay off very well to note that on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month, more turbulent emotions are likely to reign because such days are operating under a triple intensity due to the value of the year, month, and daily cycle all being one and the same. On such days the bad mood I would normally feel only to a certain degree, would more likely be magnified thrice over. (Note that this holds true for the 85% of wizard scholars who take the start of the yearly cycles at the start of the year rather than the day of one’s birth: I too fully concur with their logic, though I recognise the validity of those 15% who feel that the cycle is represented more evenly when renewing itself on each birthday rather than at the start of every year.)

My own personal cycle happens to be quite propitious this year, as it is a 1 personal year coming in a Universal year of 7. (This is a factor which leads me to believe, incidentally, that all this unpleasantness with the Dark Lord will most likely have concluded by September 1998, as it will be not only be the end of the monthly cycles, but the end of the most recent Universal Yearly Epicycle, one of the 9-year cyclical patterns which governs each of our lives in a million vast, intrinsic ways. Oh, I do so love New Beginnings.) This means that if I had begun the journal at any other time in the last several months, I should have been in great danger of failing to continue it past the month of August. Had I begun in July I should have used up all my entries at the peak of my natural success, and therefore would have tapered off the next month and had nothing to say by this one. However, since September is, for me, a time of Cyclical renewal, what could be better for me than to begin this journal on a universal One, on a universal 8 day--the first day of the most personally favourable month of the year? Once again, the logic of math proves infallible.

Note: It is not normally my practice to explain my own personal Arithmantic profile, but as this journal is to be at least in part a personal one, I suppose I might, for the purposes of education, set down a portion of it. You may, if you wish,

Arithmantic Profile of Professor Vector:

Birthday: September 21, 1957
Primary pursuits: Arithmancy, teaching manuals and classroom guides for teachers, enjoying the sunshine, and reading. Also makes a very good bunt cake.
Astrological Sign: Virgo, earth sign, ruled by the comet Chiron, who was coincidentally, a teacher of Astrology
Life Path #: 7
Expression #: 7
Heart’s Desire #: 9
Personality #: 8
Current (in 1996) cycle: #1
  • Universal Year #: 7

    The universal year is derived by adding all the numbers of the given year, thus: 1+9+9+6=25; 2+5=7

    The universal month is simply the numerical value of the calendar month (e.g. 9 for September) to the value of the universal year, i.e. 7.

    The universal day is calculated by adding the numerical value of the calendar day to the value of the universal month. Therefore, today, September 1st, is a Universal Day 8: that is, 1 plus 7.

  • Personal Year #: 1 (11+9)
    The personal year is derived in much the same way: one simply adds the numerical value of their birthday month and day, to the universal year value. In my case, 9+21+7=37; 3+7=10=1. So, my personal year is a 1 year--the beginning of a new 9 year epicyclical period in my life. (Needless to say I am very excited. )

  • Personal Month (for September 1996) #: 1.

    one calculates one’s personal month by adding one’s personal year to the given numerical value of the month. Hence, my personal month for September, is a 1, since one plus 9 is 10, which reduces down to 1 again.

    As for the derivation of my name, I am including the basic arithmantic chart map which allows one to calculate the magical essences of things given their names. This is of course purely an introductory chart, but it is a necessary stepping stone for the understanding of magical nomen/numer-clature.

    A B C D E F G H I
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    J K L M N O P Q R
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    S T U V W X Y Z
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    H I L D E G A R D V E C T O R
    8 9 3 4 5 7 1 9 4 4 5 3 2 6 9

    What do all of these numbers mean, you might ask? Numbers can mean, in different contexts, as many different things as there are things in this wide world to be counted. Arithmantic calculations are a tool, not a definition. Still, should the conditions prove favourable, I shall endeavour from time to time to provide in this journal a glimpse into the meanings and relevancies of certain numbers in relation to our lives. Perhaps some of you will even see why your interactions of late have proved so futile.

    Some of my more attentive students are doubtless aware of the arithmantic fact that September 1st is a universal 8, the cyclical pinnacle of success. I hope these and other students will utilise the day to their fullest potential, especially with regard to certain of their classes, where one never knows what new challenges or surprises may arise.

    As to the rather convoluted social interactions going on of late, and the latest piece of school recognition in the Daily Prophet, I have only one thing to say:

    I infinitely prefer a book.

    Tu etiam semper educis doctos
    per inspirationem sapiente letificos!
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