What the...

Feb 28, 2008 07:01

Okay, whoever did this? Halloween was like four months ago. That woulda been the time to cover a whole building in blood if anytime is. Which it probably isn't. I mean, come on.

This wasn't anyone's idea I know, was it? 'Cause I don't think anyone who'd admit to having emotions would pull something like this unless they were really twisted. Not that there's a shortage of people like that around, but still.

... Does this place have like a laundry room or something? It's gonna smell horrible for weeks as it is... Zexion, you are so freaking lucky you don't live in Dor. I'd hate to have your sense of smell in this mess.

[Screened to Yazoo and Kadaj]
Prolly should have asked this earlier, but I didn't talk to you back during the week after Valentine's Day, did I? Wait. Scratch talk to. The way I was at that point, it'd be threaten, or sneer at.

ou: zexion, ou: yazoo, ou: kadaj, blood

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