
Oct 17, 2008 22:12

*sits up, groaning* Dammit, remind me not to piss off Larxene if I ever see that crazy chick again. Being hit by lightning hurts.

*looks around* ... Either Hades has been remodeling or I'm still in Econtra and not as dead as I oughta be.

Seems like my heart's stopped beating again, though. Shame. It was nice having a pulse for a while. Wonder who the kid over with what's-her-name, that woman I was with, is... Looks like a bit of chemistry there.

I prob'ly oughta clear out before they wake up.

Skuld? Urd? Persephone? Selphie? Fayt? Aerith? Everybody okay?

[pgsm] queen beryl, [pgsm] jadeite, not quite dead yet, modplot

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