So yesterday was the first day of classes. It was a moderate success. Except when I went to Math. I saw a girl come out of the women's restroom, ask someone to get a teacher, then nearly pass out on the floor. Surrounded by freshman who were clueless, I found a teacher. He called campus life and they sent someone over to check on her.
I have that class with my girl from BHS. You all know her. She's rather pretty and was in several of the plays. I was disappointed that she didn't call me Sister Becky. That would have made my day.
So I have gotten right back in my obsession over Cuteness. It's gotten pretty bad. I'm trying to ride it out, but I just keep liking him more and more. He's living his dream, and I get to watch him do it. So what if I never get to meet him, I still support him, I'm just as big a fan as the women who go to all his shows, only they have the funds to do so and I do not.
So Kodocha season 3. So far, I hate Fuka. Bitch trying to steal Akito from Sana. The Japanes version is more serious than the English, but since Funimation won't license it for dubbing, I'm stuck with what I got. No matter. I can handle it. I love Akito so much. His love for Sana is so deep for such a young character. I have never seen anything as sweet as this in anime. I noticed that in the manga, in each volume the kids get a little older each time and in the end they're eighteen and Sana and Akito are in love. I wish I could read them. I believe that in the anime the kids stay 12 years old.
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