Nov 30, 2010 12:42
Well, I'm back at school after Thanksgiving. My break was somewhat stressful. My sister, who I nicknamed Voldemort, really put me on edge. We were out all night Christmas shopping on black Friday. Actually, we started Thursday night at 9 and quit at 7 Friday morning.
I was not a happy camper. I can't go that long without sleeping and expect to function. I need at least an hour long power nap or an energy drink. I had neither, so I was incredibly bitchy. I mean, I was the bitchiest person on the planet.
So Black Friday, where to begin? I could start with Toys R Us. The doorbuster sale started at 10. We got there early hoping to get a good spot in line. Well, we were near the door, however, on the opposite end, which meant that we were at the tail end of the line, but more people kept showing up.
So we finally get to the doors to be let in at ten til eleven, but we didn't get in until at least ten after eleven. They only let in groups of fifty at a time. They said there could be no more than 1600 people in the store at time. So when it was our turn we grabbed the last cart and got in line.
We got all the stuff we needed in record time (being about forty minutes) then had to stand in line to check out for at least an hour and twenty minutes. The couple in front of us in the line kept dropping stuff so we shared our cart with them because they didn't have one.
They were thankful to us, and were very kind. I spent a great deal of time talking to them, but never caught their names. I talk to everyone though.
That was the highlight of the night though. Then came Friday morning. We ate at IHOP at about 2 am. After that we headed over to Kohl's their doors opened at 3 am. After that we went to Target who started their sale at 4 and finally we ended up at Best Buy at 5 am for the last part of our adventure, to seek out Glee season 1 for 20 bucks (great deal!) and a nice shiny black X-Box 360 and a red Wii. Dawn bought me Avatar: the Last Airbender book 2 Earth that night too, so I'm getting that for Xmas. I'm so excited.
Saturday I hung out with my peeps. We saw the movie "Tangled" it was awesome. I would love to see it again. So good. Rapunzel is my new favorite princess and Flynn is my new favorite "Prince" though he wasn't actually a prince, more like a bandit. He was so cool.
This brings me up to speed on things happening outside OCU. I just found out that Finland isn't planning on returning next semester. I don't know how I feel about it yet. I speculate the involvement of a Finnish girl in his hometown.
Also, I realized I bump into things more when I'm talking to Curls McKenzie than I do any other time.
*Note: I don't like him! He's not really my type (He's a little too skinny, though he does remind me of Cuteness)
But yeah, I tend to bump into things. I guess it's because I get distracted by his hair and don't pay attention. Stupid hair!
Oh and on Sonny With a Chance, Chad and Sonny finally kissed. All I could say was, "It's about damn time." It wasn't even all that cute. I was disappointed. However, I was not disappointed in Glee last week. I was with Finn, but everything I pretty much enjoyed except Kurt transferring. Best quote of the episode: "As an apology, I will allow you to choose from these nicknames: Gelfing, Porcelain, or Tickle-Me-Dough-Face"
Oh and I got into a debate with some closed minded girl about magic. Does she enjoy her narrow-mindedness because no one else does? I blame the parents, I really do.