Somewhat Surreal... Saddening, Maddening, Very Happy Day.

May 17, 2010 12:07

I'm taking a break from packing for a moment - of course I'm not out yet - for a quick update. I'll probably edit this to be longer later.

Congrats 2010! It was wonderful watching you accept your degrees, and I couldn't be happier for you. At the same time, I'm sad to see you go. To the dynamic duo of Brecon 3rd, I'm especially going to miss you. I'm so happy that I got to know you, and really wish I had spent more time in Brecon so it could have happened sooner. You are both amazing people, and it really meant a lot that you'd invite me to join in your fun :) I think my life is now a little more musical, a lot more snarky (going to miss the Shakespearean snark the most), and echoing with this odd southern voice for some reason lol. And now there are two more TV shows that I have to catch up on *headdesk onto bubblewrap* Senior week evenings spent in your company (and the rest of Brecon 3rd!) were among the most fun (and least stressful) nights of my entire semester (3rd parenthetical aside, just for shits and giggles and because I'm not writing a thesis anymore). I think it's hitting me harder because I was finally getting out of my social awkwardness phase when it was time to go. The alcohol may have had something to do with that. And I'm going to stop now before I get too sad, though particular anecdotes should be recorded later. Keep in touch! Which probably means I should actually friend you on LJ... once I find out what your names are... *pokes Elena with a stick* I'll probably post more often this summer, I hope, since I should be not quite so pressed for time.

Graduation! Madi was my grad buddy, which was fun. Managed to hold it together mostly through the ceremony. We kind of invaded the photo zone to cheer for people as they went by, but I didn't actually get any pictures. My advisor in high school gave me that same poem, Ithaka, right before my high school graduation. That plus Dar made for lots of sniffles. Also knowing the spot where my name would have been called. Next year! Does this make me an ultra senior? Do I get super powers? Or does this mean I'm actually never going to leave? My lantern will be awesome though lol, and I love the class of 2011 lots <3 <3 Wait, omigod. I'm graduating with the cubs!!!! Awwww. Ok, so that only made sense to like four of you, but awwww! When Caer Bryn was running, most of our BMC garou cubs were 2011. I'm still Alpha btw ;P Or rather, Antigone "Famous Last Words" Liparidis, is still would-be-alpha if that scene ever gets run. And yes, I do realize I will be your captive story-teller for the year, along with Tom. Etherscope or Grimm anyone? I could run Werewolf, but I'd rather play :D

There was a red-tailed hawk on campus before graduation. Tom, Elena, and I were standing on the path saying TTFN while I headed to clean out my carrel and return my last books *sad face*, when it came swooping low in between Rock and Thomas/ Carpenter. It went right in front of me, but behind Elena (very close behind), and then headed up toward Rock arch. It was awesome for a variety of reasons. I forgot to tell the person that would care the most, which I realized when I saw her leaving after dropping off books from the AC library to Liv. Oops >.< I felt kind of dumb since they're the same or at least very connected, but I was caught up in other things earlier when we talked, with that whole graduation business and all.

Also, I heard back on my thesis from my Advisor through my Dad. They liked it, more on that later. I was so happy and relieved I actually cried.

So, rough day was rough, but also grand.
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