
Oct 07, 2004 15:39

George W. Bush is not an idiot.

He understands his demographic more than any recent presidents or presidential nominees. He realizes that pseudo-illiterate conservative pro-life war mongers make up, more or less, 50% of the voting population. He perpetuates this notion by repeating things like, "The werld is safer without Saddam Hewsane" to the point where it seems like brainwashing. In the last debate, he had little to no facts or statistics to back up his claim; thus, he had to resort to brainwashing. Americans respond to brainwashing- look at all of the religious zealots with their pamphlets and hollywood blockbusters! The debate Friday, I look forward to it immensely.

That being said, I think there are innumerable inconsistencies in the Kerry/Edwards campaign; I don't feel like going into that right now. I'm merely voting for the lesser of two evils (I'm neither republican nor democratic).

As for the VP debate, Cheney mopped the floor with Edwards. He made him look like the ass-kissing, pretty boy crowd pleaser that he is. BUT, I did think that it was rather fucked up that Cheney had a stronger grasp on Edwards' Senate attendance record than on actually answering the questions concerning Halliburton. Indeed, Edwards found out Tuesday night that he is now in the big leagues. WE, however, found out that Dubya is Cheney's puppet.

Oh, The European Commission (I think it's called) has begun talking with TURKEY about joining the EU! However, Western Europeans are wary due to a corrupt bureaucracy and human (women) rights codes. But even if Turkey IS admitted, it could take as long as 10 years for everything to fall into place.

I rocked the shit out of my philosophy test today. Do YOU know the definition of piety? Didn't think so.

Me neither.

But Socrates didn't either, so s'all good.
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