What to do. Reunion or not?

Nov 24, 2007 10:24


It's Saturday night. Your five year highschool reunion is taking place at some bar about twenty minutes to a half hour away for $40 a head. Domestic beer, house wine and a buffet are included.

You have noone to take with you and you have no friends to attend with because they either are not going or are no longer your friends.

When you initially heard that this event was taking place you were mildly interested. Especially since you had your mind set to write a 50,000 word novel during the very month the reunion was being held and were actually looking forward to telling people you had taken on such a challenge and had followed through beautifully, with only about fifteen to ten thousand words left to go and your story wasn't even half done.

Is it worth it to go just to see people you haven't kept in contact with over the past five years because they were never really that important to your life in the first place? Sure you know everyone and you hope everyone knows you, but do you want to spend 40 dollars to find out what you could have just by looking at facebook? Will you only end up looking pathetic to these people because you haven't gratuated college yet and doubt you will anytime soon because you're not sure what you even want to study anymore and have momentarily stepped away from the school scene? Or because you have no one at your side to make googley eyes at while other people do?

Do you go because you're morbidly curious about this reunion dispite the fact that you're flying solo in every sense of the term or do you stay home and avoid writing that novel you had initially been so keen to brag about?

If you haven't guessed this is a partialy hypothetical question.
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