Just because, ok?

Nov 05, 2007 20:04

I absolutely HATE HATE H.A.T.E. having to explain to people who just don't get it.

"Why even bother frustrating yourself like this, why don't you just take your time? Forget the whole thing and don;t worry about writing it all so fast."

Am I the ONLY person doing NaNo that I know who have unsupportive people surrounding them?

Ok, so I take it back. My mom came around and asks me each time we talk how my progress is coming and my co-workers are all about it too. Even the dog is supporting me by laying next to me on the bed and giving her approval. ((The cat not so much cause when I'm at Franks trying to type- which is where Zia is staying these days cause the dog still thinks she's the devil- she ends up trying to lay on my chest or obstruct my view of the screen cause she just simply NEEDS to lick my nose. Cute, though unhelpful. hehe))

Frank on the other hand? Frank just doesn't get half the things I do or why I do them.

Can't he just accept that there are some things in life that there are no rhyme or reason to? You just have to do them because well, you HAVE to!

I can;t even explain it to him because he just doesn;t understand no matter how I put it and then that in turn frustrates me even more.

I just can't win.

And now I've gone and typed more in thsi entry than I have in my NanNo for the past oh I dunno... three hours or so.

ARGH! *facepalm*

Must. Go. Write.

ps- everyone is right about the music. Upbeat/hardcore/heavy/fast = fast productive typing.


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