Nov 05, 2009 23:07
I'm angry
feel like punching stuff
I have a feeling those stupid vets had no idea what the hell they were doing.
It's not fair
Luz took such good care of him. She changed his food and water every day so it would always be fresh. I'd tell her, Luz you're wasting the food like that, just leave it there and he'll eventually eat it all, but she wouldn't have it. Fresh food every day along with veggies and lots of love and affection.
What happened?
how did he get sick?
Was he just sick from the beginning?
Was he just that old?
He was perfectly fine and energetic up till get got sick.
I just don't get it
It's just not fair
why do bad things continue to happen to my little sister?
at least she got to be there when he went.
She was holding him and reading Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH to him
I suppose I can't think of a better way to go
He was very loved and he knew it
He loved cuddling and being affectionate
When we first got him of course he was scared of people, but that didn't last
He'd sit on your lap and let you pet him and when Luz let him roam around her room
he'd just hole up in her bookshelf and curl up atop her books
He was an adorable little thing
I'm just so upset over this
Poor Luz...I just keep thinking about how she had said "I can't imagine life without him"
and it just makes me angry. Could something have been done?
Maybe he'd have been better off if there was no vet involved prescribing him these shady meds...
No point in dwelling on that I suppose...
His funeral is tomorrow...Luz and my dad are going to bury him in the front yard and Luz is going to plant some flowers there. God this hurts me :( it's hurting so much more than I ever imagined it could. I just can't help thinking about poor Luz.
Enough ranting and venting for now I suppose...
Rest in Peace dear little Nicodemus You were a great little rat and you made my sister so happy for the terribly short time you were with us. We will miss you ♥