Original size
Medium used
Notes: Derek Hale
noctemus: Teen Wolf | TV-show
: G
: -
: Photoshop 7, Wacom Intous 4.
: Default Brush set - hard round brush and a customized brush.
: Work in Progress
About the image:
I was going through my folder of pictures that I've gotten from the teenwolf tumblr for season 2 and found one of Derek Hale that I liked. I was looking for a face that would suit for an idea I had of a panel and chose the one you can see below. I didn't particularly liked the color scheme and ended up deciding to use the one from one of 'the Killing' poster.
So, from what you can see below, what I did once I had the two reference images that I was going to use was to do a rough sketch. Rough in the sense that I wasn't to particular about the details as I knew I was going to paint them.
The rough sketch done I had something of a guideline and I started blocking in the color that I've chosen based on the color scheme reference. This part didn't take long. With the blocking in place I started in on the stage of my art that usually takes the longest and where I'm currently at.
With a custom brush set to 3-5px I started working in the details and giving the picture some textures. There are probably easier ways to do it but this is mine :D
From the stage of choosing the reference, doing the sketch and then where I'm currently at painting wise, it has taken me approximately 8 hours.
My sister has a couple of ideas for this image that she'd like me to implement but we'll see if I do them. This is as far as I've gotten with it :
Close Up:
Now, I don't do this often, probably because I rarely remember to do it but below you see a Close-Up of the art. The size you see in each of the individual 'boxes' is the actual size of the image.