Feb 22, 2003 23:59
what would i do without friends like paul
ThriceecirhT: so who do u like these days?
liveandxletxdie: i really donno
liveandxletxdie: i am hopping i bump into someone like in the movies or in those denin ice comericals
ThriceecirhT: haha
ThriceecirhT: your priceless man
liveandxletxdie: i know
liveandxletxdie: haha
liveandxletxdie: but that would be cool
ThriceecirhT: i hope u do man
liveandxletxdie: i would love it
ThriceecirhT: me 2
liveandxletxdie: thanx dude<3
liveandxletxdie: your a great frined
liveandxletxdie: friend
ThriceecirhT: eyy take that heart back
ThriceecirhT: i dotn want yo shit
ThriceecirhT: haha
liveandxletxdie: <3333
liveandxletxdie: hahaha
ThriceecirhT: yea man u are too
liveandxletxdie: <3
liveandxletxdie: to the maxXcore
ThriceecirhT: thanks jared...argh
liveandxletxdie: hahaha
ThriceecirhT: stop man
ThriceecirhT: come up with seomnthing on your own
ThriceecirhT: lets come up with a word
liveandxletxdie: ok lets see
ThriceecirhT: karotetro
liveandxletxdie: bagina
liveandxletxdie: brb
ThriceecirhT: bagina?
ThriceecirhT: hahaha
ThriceecirhT: what does it mean
Auto response from liveandxletxdie: brb
ThriceecirhT: my word is ilcam
ThriceecirhT: dude
liveandxletxdie: begina
ThriceecirhT: wahst it mean?
liveandxletxdie: i donno
liveandxletxdie: haha
ThriceecirhT: mine means ritarded like
ThriceecirhT: u can use it ina sentence like an adverb
ThriceecirhT: liek he runs all ilcamish
liveandxletxdie: hahahahaha
liveandxletxdie: blabages
ThriceecirhT: whats that mean?
liveandxletxdie: it means the same as fuck
liveandxletxdie: but its not as bad to say outloud
ThriceecirhT: hahaha
ThriceecirhT: use it in a sentance
liveandxletxdie: i blabages the crap out of her last nite
ThriceecirhT: hahahahahahahahah
liveandxletxdie: haha yeaa
ThriceecirhT: blabage you
liveandxletxdie: i blaaged your mom last nite, well 2 nites ago cuz i had to fly to canada
ThriceecirhT: hahaha
liveandxletxdie: i rule and i am not jared
ThriceecirhT: for sure
ThriceecirhT: you rule cause u be russian
liveandxletxdie: and cuz i just laid a fatty wet fart
liveandxletxdie: haha
ThriceecirhT: hahahahah
ThriceecirhT: that too
liveandxletxdie: haha
liveandxletxdie: whos the man with the dance ::fatty P::
ThriceecirhT: word
liveandxletxdie: whos the man with the flash ::fatty P::
ThriceecirhT: word
liveandxletxdie: whos the man with the dance ::snoop dawg:: wait no ::fatty P::
ThriceecirhT: hahaha
ThriceecirhT: if god could price you....
ThriceecirhT: hed put u fro 1.99
liveandxletxdie: o dude i am worth like 2 candy bars
ThriceecirhT: or 1 king size
liveandxletxdie: true true
ThriceecirhT: cmon man were talknig about candy bars
ThriceecirhT: u should knows thios by heart
liveandxletxdie: dude i am losing my knowadge, i am sliping to the dark side of the force, all i know now is prices of weight loss bars
liveandxletxdie: HELP ME
ThriceecirhT: hahah
ThriceecirhT: trix
ThriceecirhT: is the only way out my yound jedi
liveandxletxdie: but master
ThriceecirhT: yes?
liveandxletxdie: i am thinking about death and anger, cuz i cant get any pussy
liveandxletxdie: i am sliping to the dark side
ThriceecirhT: but son if u do not have this one chocolate the force of pauly will slide
ThriceecirhT: to...
ThriceecirhT: du dum dum
ThriceecirhT: skinny paul
ThriceecirhT: that can cause a revulatany world ramapge
liveandxletxdie: master how did u transform me to SKINNY PAUL??!?!
ThriceecirhT: i didnt
ThriceecirhT: but if u do not have this
ThriceecirhT: one twix
ThriceecirhT: the time wheels will spin and cause a back draft on teh world
ThriceecirhT: because the fattness will never grow back to produce heat
liveandxletxdie: yes master, my lightsaber
liveandxletxdie: i made a spiceal one
ThriceecirhT: bitch u no get no lightsaber yet
ThriceecirhT: wait yo turn
liveandxletxdie: the ligh is made outa fatt
ThriceecirhT: yes u will recieve the master tool as soon as the 3 rd circle of hell is broken in 5 diffrent even pieces
ThriceecirhT: with satan in all 5 at the same time
ThriceecirhT: but then....
ThriceecirhT: u have to watch your face my young apprentice?
ThriceecirhT: not ?
ThriceecirhT: but !
liveandxletxdie: ok du dun dun ::WE NOW SLIP INTO THE DIABLO 2 WORLD
ThriceecirhT: correct
ThriceecirhT: and now u will eb the ring bearer
ThriceecirhT: hehe
liveandxletxdie: ::PAUL IS A LEVEL 60 DRUID
liveandxletxdie: AND ALEX IS A LEVEL 80 NECRO
ThriceecirhT: paul is level 2 mr frotto
ThriceecirhT: hahah
ThriceecirhT: u no frotto from lord of teh rings
liveandxletxdie: i will never be that pussy
ThriceecirhT: u are young one
liveandxletxdie: yes but no pussy one
ThriceecirhT: k level 4 frotto
ThriceecirhT: happy?
liveandxletxdie: no level 50 FATTO
liveandxletxdie: wtih super fat moves
liveandxletxdie: like belly slam
ThriceecirhT: fine is it will make u stop bitching ;-)
liveandxletxdie: haha
liveandxletxdie: we must defeat diablo
liveandxletxdie: and get the soul stone
ThriceecirhT: and then go to in-n-out
ThriceecirhT: and eat
liveandxletxdie: yes so i can level up
ThriceecirhT: yes yound one?
ThriceecirhT: yoda is on my cell phone
ThriceecirhT: he sayd
ThriceecirhT: more eat out-n-in
ThriceecirhT: yoda is a pimp
ThriceecirhT: u there?
ThriceecirhT: u have deseved me
ThriceecirhT: and gone to the dark side
ThriceecirhT: now we will battle to death
liveandxletxdie: i am on the dark sdie cuz dark side get pussy
ThriceecirhT: :::::takes out green light saber:::::::::
liveandxletxdie: :::::::::::TAKES OUT FAT LIGHT SABER THATS 4 SIDED::::
ThriceecirhT: ::::waves it around::::::
ThriceecirhT: :::::paul looks amused
ThriceecirhT: ::::light saber dies:::::
ThriceecirhT: :::::alex asks for more battery:::::::
ThriceecirhT: ::::::paul gladely gives some up :::::::::
liveandxletxdie: :::ALEX LAUGHS:::::