Remember when I used to actually go places and do things? Before I became a sad sack of nothing but complaints? This year has been hard, just a lot of stuff going on, both positive and negative, and it's hard for me to handle sometimes because I'm so unused to it. But I truly think once I have a new job for sure lined up, things will turn more positive again. Because there are good things happening even I don't seem to be mentioning them very often. I swear!
February 10th was the Chinese New Year. To celebrate, I went to Kobe Chinatown with my new-ish friend. She's 1/2 chinese, 1/2 Japanese, but raised in America and she was able to show me a bunch of great food. I like how loud china town is, so different than Japan; you can really feel the culture shift when you turn into the alley that is Chinatown. It's kind of amazing.
On Valentine's weekend my co-workers took me out to a mexican restaurant in Shinsabashi. There was very spicy food, copious amounts of alcohol, and the cooks took breaks every once in a while for serenading us, mariachi style. I didn't take any pictures that night, but this picture is from a co-workers ameba.
Afterwards I met up with bandboy and went to his place. Where we played video games until morning. I really suck at first-person shooter games; his favorite game right now is Call of Duty. In the morning we went grocery shopping and made some of the famous v-day chocolate. together. It was very sweet. <3
This week I've taken wed-fri off, becasue it's exam time for my students and I'd just be sitting in the office trying to pretend to do work; I had vacation days left to use up before they disappeared unused. Plus, I had to take a day off to go do my taxes. FINALLY. I've been worrying about those ever since my company told me they couldn't do them. and they're finally done and it really wasn't horribly hard.
I scored some free tickets from a friend to go to
Kansai Collection Fashion Show this weekend. Which will be, if not interesting, at least a new experience, I think. Not really sure what one wears to a fashion show though?
Then a week of hell (because that's something new?) starts. Mon-Fri is my last week of work with my current company and school, but my PT job that I sort of accepted wants to start training that same week. so ALT-ing from 8-4pm, an hour and a 1/2 commute to other job, PT job from 6-9. with a break for Chthonic concert on Wednesday.
Chthonic -->
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and this solo:
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(if you don't like metal, you should listen to the 2nd one. It's a beautiful erhu solo from Chthonic)