Apr 03, 2008 12:47

Ha ha, City. You think you're so funny. YOU'RE NOT, BY THE WAY. Though I guess a rainbow is better than the alternative.

Just a heads up, guys, Ezra is here. Yeah. So if you ever run into her, do yourselves a favor and FLEE. Or uh. Give her what she wants and then high tail it. Trust me on this one. I know from experience.

[Private/Totally Hackable]

Atora's all right. She's...she's all right. God, that scared me.

[ooc: In spite of everything, Gray is in a hap-hap-happy mood, and surrounded by rainbows. 8D

also...placeholder-gonna be in class for the rest of the day bleeeh]

lol city you're a riot, curse day-affected, oh shi---ezra, gtfo rainbows, atora

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