Winter update

Feb 08, 2010 10:14

Hi there, LiveJournal! Miss me? Probably not, but here's what I've been doing since we talked last.

- Christmas was fun. The snow we got on Christmas, not so much. The follow-up snow around New Year's, even less so. Between the foot or so of snow we had, and the brutal cold that kept it around, the last vestiges of it didn't fade away until the end of January. And now, February has dumped two more snowfalls on us (although they have been much less extreme, and the temperature has been warm enough to keep it from sticking around.)

- I played in my first 40K tournament in almost a year in late January. Didn't do phenomenally well; I went 0-1-2, but that still placed me in the middle of the pack. evildennis  placed fourth, though, so it was a good day for him! Everyone had a good time, and I got to play against army types that I'd never faced before. I got a lot of painting done in the lead-up to the tournament, and I've turned out some of my best work yet (which still isn't amazingly good or anything, but I'm proud of it). I took some time off from painting this past week, but I'll be hitting it again this week as I start painting my first Chaos army.

- Work on the house has resumed! With some help getting started from my dad, I've been working on getting our drywall patch done. I think I've got one more batch of sanding to do, and we might just be ready for repainting. Then we get the kitchen counter done (and I have the laminate for that), and all the major work is done. There's a couple of minor touch-ups we can do afterwards, but nothing that will keep us from putting the house on the market.

- It's been a big gaming month. I played through Bayonetta at the end of January, and really had fun. Then I started up Mass Effect 2, and that has been an utter blast. I finished it last night/this morning, and it's joined its predecessor in my list of Most Favorite Games Ever. Tight gameplay, great characters, fantastic story and writing, and an ending that starts off with a blast and never lets up. Fortunately, I managed to keep everyone on my team loyal and alive, so no one got left behind. Now I can tool around the galaxy as a Big Damn Hero. Next up on the list is The Saboteur, and after that, I may just pick up Dante's Inferno. Still need to finish GTA4 sometime as well. Oh, and Dragon Age...

video games, warhammer 40k, life, home

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