Where have I been?

Sep 26, 2009 00:36

Has it really been a month since my last LJ post? Wow, I have been neglectful. Partially, I blame Facebook, Twitter, and my hobby blog, all of which have been taking up the majority of my online communications. Partially, it's also because, well, I've had a lot going on. My 40K hobby blog has been busy because I've been diving into the 40K hobby headfirst. It doesn't hurt that I recently acquired a whole mess of new miniatures for my second army (Chaos Space Marines), so once again I get to taste the joys of miniature assembly. Unlike painting, there isn't a lot of set-up beforehand or clean-up afterwards, so it's perfect for squeezing into my spare time.

In the last month, we've visited family in St. Louis, and have made plans to go back next weekend for Archon (a sci-fi convention, for which the_z is making art to sell). I also got into a minor fender-bender which has left a roughly egg-sized dent in my bumper, so I'm still resolving that situation. I also received my first ever jury duty notice, so on the evening of the 13th I get to check if I go in on the 14th. Work has kept me busy as well, including some freelancing that occupied the better part of my nights last week. Home repair is going to get going soon too. We have two somewhat minor tasks to get done, but both are going to require a bit of assistance, as I've never done anything like them. I'm assured, though, that they're totally DIY-able, so perhaps I can tap family and/or friends to give some assistance. Once that's done, the house goes on the market. A few months later than we'd hoped, but it will get done. By the end of October, there's going to be a "For Sale" sign in the front yard, I swear.

There's been a bit of gaming squeezed in as well. My Shadowrun game is wrapped up now, and I'll be starting up my Ivalice D&D4E game before long. I'm a bit nervous - I've never designed dungeons - but I think I'll be okay. Also, I played through Batman: Arkham Asylum, which was a fantastic game, and have been working through the career mode on Rock Band 2 to unlock songs. Right now, my gaming time is mostly split between Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (before you say anything, I got it at Target for $8) and Muramasa: The Demon Blade (OMG so pretty). I even managed to finish Dawn of War 2's single-player campaign over my lunch breaks at work. It's nice to have my laptop at the office. :)

So that's it for right now. I promise not to be a stranger, LJ. Honest.


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